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Author Topic: Useless/almost useless Abilities  (Read 14891 times)

Offline Ursaring

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Useless/almost useless Abilities
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:16:29 AM »
Any plans to remove some awful pokemon abilities? Examples being:All the "attacks against you may cause you to get effected by X status effect", Oblivious, shell armor is kinda bab not 99% useless though, super luck,illuminate,battle armor,damp,sniper is good on beartic but thats it I *think*,own tempo would be alot better but the pokes that get it can't really abuse it,keen eye,sticky hold/suction cups the pokes that get this have better choices to make use of, and big pecks.

I can't think of anymore off-hand ,but there are others. Some abilitys are not bad they are just outclassed pretty hard making them never used. If anyone wants to share a ability they find useless then please do so! This thread is not for "but but my pikachu is so tanky with his  static so your stupid" ,so keep that in mind.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 08:19:07 AM by Ursaring »

Offline Desbear

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 08:59:50 AM »
You do know some of these if not most of these changes would mess up the balance, and strategy a lot more than you think, right?

one example being super luck. put it on a togekiss, using thunder wave, then a nasty plot if you think you can risk it, or just using air slash and or ancient  power, and you have a pretty good strategy there.

another thing is, the first one could mess up a set that uses scald. Scald is mostly picked over surf and hydro pump, because it has good power, good accuracy, and has a 30% chance to burn.

Now I could add more. but my internet is about to die. so I have to end it here.

sorry if I sound like a jerk, but its like, 2 in the morning.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2012, 09:19:02 AM »
Abilities will only be replaced by more useful abilities where the balance team deem necessary.

But why would you remove those abilities? You just need to catch the one with the ability you prefer.
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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2012, 09:33:33 AM »
You forgot Slow Start. xD

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Offline Jerry

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 09:54:34 AM »
Nah, it's required because Regigigas is too OP, just like Slaking, but in another way.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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Offline Ursaring

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2012, 01:17:33 PM »
I am not shure Meowth understood ,so let  me clarify. Moves with added effects are great I was refering to static,poisin point,and cute charm since those abilitys would never be of any use except maybe vs a multi turn physical attack. About super luck I thought crit was going away in PU ,so whats the point in super luck then?

@ Yukimenoko Ye like Jerry said slow start balances Regigigas.

@ Jerry Whats the point of the ability if ever time someone catches one it will be "ew this emolga has static time to catch some until I get one with moter drive" I am not seeing it. You don't really even need to replace them ,but thats another topic altogether.

Offline Arctus

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2012, 01:37:35 PM »
I may be wrong here, but in terms of the whole Super lick and the critical hit thing, i'm fairly sure PU just took out random crits, so super luck, which boosts critical hit ratio, then gives you a 6.25% chance of a critical hit, so it is possible, which, if you then use a move like night slash, which has a high crit hit ratio along with super luck, then you have a +2 chance of getting a crit hit, or a 12.5% chance, and then there are also items and moves which raise it further, but thats not the point. The point is, super luck is still a useful ability.

And about the dumping a pokemon because it doesnt have the right ability, there is no one singly "right" ability, in terms of emolga, some people may want static, whereas i prefer Volt absorb (Emolga lost Motor Drive). So every team is going to be different, and each pokemon can use the abilities it has been given well, so i have no objection as to how things stand now with all the balanced pokemon so far.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2012, 05:38:38 PM »
@ Jerry Whats the point of the ability if ever time someone catches one it will be "ew this emolga has static time to catch some until I get one with moter drive" I am not seeing it. You don't really even need to replace them ,but thats another topic altogether.

Not everyone is like the someone you're saying. Plus is it harder to catch another Pokemon with the correct ability than to breed Pokemon with the correct IVs? I think not.

To get the team you think is the best shouldn't be something you can get on a plate, but must give effort to get. Yet, catching another Pokemon just for the sake of an ability is really a minor issue. What do you really have to do? Emolga has two abilities, meaning you have a 50% chance of getting one ability or the other. By 3 catches, you would usually get what you were looking for. If not, then you're just unlucky and have to try more :P

Even with Pokemon with 3 abilities, you should get what you want by 6 tries at most.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2012, 07:40:50 PM »
Just a note, NEVER try and make a serious point at 2 in the morning.. Just disregard everything I said about togekiss, I thought superluck was actually serene grace.. Ok. on the poison point, static, and stuff like that subject: those are completely viable, like toxicroak, give him that ability, and he is a physical pokemon, so your likely to get poisoned.

Offline nightshade06

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2012, 07:42:27 PM »
Poison point and static are both very good abilities imo....

Offline Roloc

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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2012, 04:34:37 AM »
Any plans to remove some awful pokemon abilities? Examples being:All the "attacks against you may cause you to get effected by X status effect", Oblivious, shell armor is kinda bab not 99% useless though, super luck,illuminate,battle armor,damp,sniper is good on beartic but thats it I *think*,own tempo would be alot better but the pokes that get it can't really abuse it,keen eye,sticky hold/suction cups the pokes that get this have better choices to make use of, and big pecks.

I can't think of anymore off-hand ,but there are others. Some abilitys are not bad they are just outclassed pretty hard making them never used. If anyone wants to share a ability they find useless then please do so! This thread is not for "but but my pikachu is so tanky with his  static so your stupid" ,so keep that in mind.

Static, Poison Point, Flame Body and the others:

These abilities are all very useful. Flame Body for example on a pokemon such as...Volcarona which has decent special defense but no physical defense. If Volcarona was attacked by lets say a Machamp and if flame body were to activate then Machamp would be burned and it's attack would be cut, making machamp pretty much useless.

And about 90% of the abilities you named can be used in some way. Own Tempo for example can be used with a berserk gene and the pokemon won't be confused.

and like Jerry said, not everyone will be looking for a certain ability. Some people just play pokemon cause they like and have no interest in completive play or making their pokemon perfect.

I may be wrong here, but in terms of the whole Super lick and the critical hit thing, i'm fairly sure PU just took out random crits, so super luck, which boosts critical hit ratio, then gives you a 6.25% chance of a critical hit, so it is possible, which, if you then use a move like night slash, which has a high crit hit ratio along with super luck, then you have a +2 chance of getting a crit hit, or a 12.5% chance, and then there are also items and moves which raise it further, but thats not the point. The point is, super luck is still a useful ability.

And about the dumping a pokemon because it doesnt have the right ability, there is no one singly "right" ability, in terms of emolga, some people may want static, whereas i prefer Volt absorb (Emolga lost Motor Drive). So every team is going to be different, and each pokemon can use the abilities it has been given well, so i have no objection as to how things stand now with all the balanced pokemon so far.

You got close :)
The table for crits in PU are below.

Stage     Percentage of critical hit
1                0.00%
2                12.5%
3                25%
4                33.3%
5                50%

All pokemon have stage 1 crit chance and anything increasing crit chance ups it to the next level. Like using night slash would give you a stage 2 crit chance.
In the games(HG, Diamond, White etc.), stage 1 is 6.25% but since in PU random crits have been removed, stage 1 is now 0.00%.
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Re: Useless/almost useless Abilities
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2012, 04:03:50 PM »
I personally love Static, Poison Point, Flame Body, and especially Cute Charm. Infatuation can be very disabling and will usually either force a switch or for the Pokemon to lose. At least when my Pokemon fall in love with another they usually refuse to attack :( And with Super luck and some critical hit increasing moves you can crit your way through entire teams :D