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Author Topic: New Pokéballs  (Read 15855 times)

Offline Papi

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New Pokéballs
« on: September 15, 2012, 12:04:51 AM »
I came across a picture somewhere on the internet a while back that had unique Pokéball ideas but were clearly jokes (e.g. Extra Ball - allows you to hold 7 Pokémon). However I thought some new Pokéball ideas could come in handy so I thought I'd share them with you all! Most of these are unique. All statistics and numbers are changeable, they're just examples:

1. Color Ball:
This is one I found on the picture but added details, once captured it has a percentage chance (e.g. 20%) of making the Pokémon Shiny, but has a very low Catch Rate (CR) 0.5x.

2. InvisiBall:
Another from the picture but slightly edited. The InvisiBall has a higher CR on evasive Pokémon (i.e. Abra) and can also be used in the Safari Zone, CR of 4x-6x. (There's a list here of Pokémon that Escape but I'm not sure  how it'll work in PU: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Escape). However, the InvisiBall doesn't work when moves and abilities such as Arena Trap and Mean Look are in play - falls to 1x.

3. UniBall:
Has an extremely high CR (8x-16x) but the Pokémon is automatically released once fainted. Would generally be used by breeders who wouldn't want to fight with the Pokémon.

4. Thunder Ball:
This Pokéball is one I'm not sure of, it could be pointless. It has a higher CR than an Ultra Ball (4x-6x) but the Pokémon caught is permanently Paralyzed. This is controversial as it stops the Pokémon from being able to go under other stat changes.

5. Expert Ball:
The CR increases the more Pokémon the trainer has caught:
1-10 Pokémon: 1x
11-20 Pokémon: 3x
21-30 Pokémon: 4.5x
31-50 Pokémon: 8x

6. Sweet Ball:
Has a higher CR of 3x if the Pokémon was found using Sweet Scent.

7. Thief Ball:
Another one I found on the picture but edited a lot (original text: high CR but Pokémon will hate you forever). My version is: Very high catch rate (6x-8x) but caught Pokémon will have 0 happiness and won't listen to the player from time to time (say 25%). The rate of ignoring will fall the higher the happiness goes.

8. Guild/Buddy Ball:
Another concept I'm not so sure about but I added it in for the Guilds and in case a Buddy system is/will be implemented into PU. If a member of your Guild or Buddy List has the Pokémon then the CR will increase to 2x-3x (1x if not).

9. Dual Ball:
Can be used twice but only to catch the same Pokémon (i.e. 2 Abra's). The second throw has a triple catch rate (3x). Again good for breeders.

10. Trade ball:
If you have 6 Pokémon in your party and you catch one, the Trade Ball will allow you to switch one of the Pokémon currently in your party with the Pokémon you just caught, sending the traded one to the PC instead.

These are all the ideas I have so far! Please let me know what you think! And if the PU Team wants I could try to make these Icons (I have a basic idea on how these can look) but I'm not the greatest pixel artist. :)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 12:08:13 AM by Papi »

Offline Tickles

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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2012, 08:54:10 AM »

1. I see this one as more of a gimmick kind of ball. A pokemon doesn't just become shiny, it is or it isn't.

2. There probably will be a safari style game in PU, but it will not be the safari zone. This being said, this ball would only be exclusive to teleporters, which are few.

3. Though a fresh idea, it might cause more grief than good. I would hate to catch a good pokemon then lose it once it faints. It would feel like a forced nuzlocke challenge.

4. A permanent status would be more bothersome than beneficial. This would probably be more game breaking.

5. Now this one I like. It would be a measure of how well you can catch a pokemon with how little of these you can use. Maybe a higher score for a higher catch rate.

6. IF there is a ball for fishing and diving, why not for sweet scent. This one I can get behind, and would be perfect for people who love to hunt in the tall grass with their sweet scent user.

7. Might help make frustration more usable for a short period of time. I can see this one being viable.

8. I'm not too sure on this one.

9. This one doesn't make sense to me, since a pokeball is meant to catch one. Maybe not a good idea.

10. Our trade system will most likely compensate for a full party and boxes. This ball might be useless

Again, nothing is set in stone, and maybe some more feedback is needed from everyone else. I like the spirit of adding things to the game, so ideas are always welcome.
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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 01:31:39 PM »
Hmm, I don't quite know since I don't think that catching pokemon is such a big issue after consideration.

The Pokemon with the lowest catching rates:
Beldum/Metang/Metagross - 3
Volcanora - 15
Snorlax, Relicanth, Basculin, Steelix, Scizor, Mantyke/Mantine, Skarmory, Clefable, Cryogonal - 25
Chansey, Blissey, Absol, Electivire, Magmortar, Murkrow/Honchcrow, Chatot, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Yanmega, Gliscor, Porygon-Z, Klinklang, Eelektross, Togekiss - 30


Did anybody have big issues in capturing the ever present Snorlax in the Gen 1 and 2 games? We can safely ignore any pokemon with CR > 30.

And a lot of those are fully evolved Pokemon as well and in the case of Beldum and evo, I don't think that Breeders would really benefit catching them for breeding... removing those, we get:
Relicanth, Basculin, Mantyke, Skarmory - 25
Absol, Murkrow, Chatot  - 30

Which really isn't a lot to me.
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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2012, 05:57:36 PM »
Since I like this idea I'm going to comment for fun ;D.

1. This one doesn't make much sence, it would basically raise the chances of shinies dramatically, therefore, decreasing they're rariety. I don't agree with this.

2. This ball I wouldn't use very much but I don't know about anyone else, I don't have anything to say really.

3. I kind of liked this as a way of not being able to cheat a nuzlocke but not really for anything else. I would use this rarely.

4. ummmmm, no. It doesn't make sense to me at all. Being constantly paralyzed would contradict most pokemon. eg. hydration, limber and pokemons moves as well.

5. I like this idea as it allows the more pokedex based players to excel. In the beggining it wouldn't work but it would be used by me to catch those last pokemon.

6. If you like attracting pokemon with sweet scent then this is a great ball, I won't use it very much and maybe not at all but it has good thought behind it.

7. I don't use frustration very much but it's great for those people who do. Of course over time it would change but that's all I can say.

8. I don't have to say much but I actually kind of like this idea. It adds a certain quality of the use of friends in the game.

9. Meh, not the ball for me, I don't like owning more than one of the same pokemon, just use a ditto.

10. This won't really work as it adds a quick relief for field teams. eg. a pokemon has fainted then is replaced by a newly caught pokemon with health then just use a potion. No.

Well, that's what I think of them ;)
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2012, 07:35:36 PM »
I may not be a professional on this, but I like how your being original.

1. No, just no. The value of shinnies would go down VERY low, and unless a player can only have one, I can see this being gravely miss used, but then again people would probably try to 'sell' them/ trade them everywhere. -.- 1/10

2. I like this idea, I always hated the Pokemon that teleport away from me, but I can see it would be used very few times, and take some of the fun out of it. 5/10

3. I wish I had this for my nuzlocke challenges, but I can see kids crying everywhere saying: "WAAAAH! PIKACHUUU! T_T" 4/10

4. ... I don't get the point of this one, other than it giving a permanent disadvantage, but I can see skilled trainers trying to make the game more of a challenge with it. 4/10

5. Now I love this idea, it can be extremely useful for those who want to complete the pokedex, but considering the number of Pokemon,  the required numbers would have to be increased. I mean, there ARE over 600 Pokemon now. 8/10

6. I would probably use this allot, and as Cortex said, if you can have a ball for fishing and diving, why not sweet scent? 8/10

7. ... Well, there is a ball for friendship, so I guess it would make sense for a ball to have opposite effects, and I can see people who use those kind of attacks using those pokeballs, but for it being almost like a masterball... 6/10

8. Meeeeeh, You would have to take the guild thing out, because I can see it being very unbalanced, but a good ball overall. 5/10

9. ... It doesn't make much sense to me at all. ?/10

10. ... I kinda like the idea, it saves a trip to the Pokemon center for when you catch a really good Pokemon, but useless at any other situation. 7/10

They would have to be changed a little, but I can see these being used in Pokemon games. Overall, good job! :D
. . .

Offline Papi

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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2012, 08:15:04 PM »
Thanks for the feedback!

1. I can see there's a lot of negative comments about the Color Ball which I predicted when putting it in. However, it doesn't simply have to be one you can buy cheaply at the Mart, either it's a one thing per player like the MasterBall or a really high price so only elite players can afford it.

2. If the Safari Zone isn't going to be the same then still works for escaping Pokemon. With regards to the taking the fun out of it, people can still use other balls when fighting an Abra, the InvisiBall is only another option.

3. I had the view of the UniBall being used if a player quickly needed a type of Pokemon (Say a female one to avoid Whitney's Attract - yes very unlikely a player wouldn't have a female Pokemon) and didn't care if it got released after it's use, saving a trip to the PokeCenter. Regarding the breeding, if they do come across a rare Pokemon or the right gender etc.. then the UniBall would be more efficient with its CR than a Poke/Great/Ultra Ball. But again I see the problem.

4. Again I agree and thought of the issue when typing it, just added it in for other people's view.

5. Everyone seems to like this idea which I'm really glad about!

6. Again no negative points so far! :)

7. The CR for this one can be edited I just put it in as an example of it needing to be better or at least equal to the CR of an Ultra Ball otherwise, if not for the use of Frustration and similar moves, it makes the Thief Ball useless.

8. People are a bit on the fence, I just thought it would be like trading information with your friends and boosting community moral if you need other players to help you along the game other than just helping you fight.

9. Aside from the Breeder thing, I thought this ball would help in the sense that: say you caught a Pokemon (e.g. Onix) and it has Sturdy ability but the player wanted one with Rock Head, then the Dual Ball would make it easier to catch another Onix to compare abilities, stats, moveset everything.

10. Lubbies I get where you're coming from. However I thought of it in this concept: I just caught a Zubat in the middle of a Dark Cave and I don't want to go all the way out to put it in my Party it gives me the option to switch the Zubat with say my Kingler so my Kingler is sent to the PC instead. Using the Trade Ball to "Heal" your Party by getting rid of your fainted Pokemon would be a pretty useless thing to do since you'd have to walk all the way to the Center to get it back anyway and if you just caught the Pokemon for that reason then in retrospect you wouldn't want to train it, just release it.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 06:53:23 PM by Papi »

Offline Ursaring

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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2012, 08:51:56 AM »
The metagross family needs a capture rate buff honestly 3 is kinda crazy.

Offline Desbear

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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2012, 06:16:44 PM »
The metagross family needs a capture rate buff honestly 3 is kinda crazy.

its only 3?! I caught a metang with a great ball first try...*Note:After lowering his HP*

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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2012, 01:43:16 PM »
I didn't have any issues either. Took me 1 ultraball.

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Re: New Pokéballs
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2012, 12:17:13 PM »
10. Trade ball:
If you have 6 Pokémon in your party and you catch one, the Trade Ball will allow you to switch one of the Pokémon currently in your party with the Pokémon you just caught, sending the traded one to the PC instead.

I can say I both like and dislike these ideas. Some works, some just doesn't (at least from my point of view).

1: Color Ball - There is no fun in getting a Shiny through using a certain kind of ball to get it. Breeding and searching is more fun, though being much more time-consuming, I'll agree to that part.

2: InvisiBall - You made one example to which Pokemon that might be easier to catch with this. And that is, as far as I know, the only one that almost always gets away. However, that problem is easily solved by using a Nest Ball or a Pokemon with Lock-On (or other Attacks) or Arena Trap (or other Abilities), which makes escaping impossible. The idea is just pointless.

3: UniBall - As stated before, using this ball will be felt like a forced Nuzlocke challenge and most likely will be rarelly used. So overall a bad idea.

4: Thunder Ball - Maybe good for Pokemon that in overall have a low Speed stat, though the Paralyze effect might become a pain. Rather than this, would a rare or expensive Ball that prevents Paralyze and/or other types of effects be a better idea? Something like an Anti-Ball?

5: Expert Ball - I do see the good idea in this, though it sounds like a Repeat Ball without the effect given by the SAME Pokemon. For a Trainer catching lots of different Pokemon, someone like me who's going for a full Pokedex, it's a good idea. Breeders might also get a good thing out of it.

6: Sweet Ball - Like everyone up to now have said, a good idea because there is one for Fishing and Diving. I've also started using Sweet Scent a lot when looking for rare Pokemon in the games.

7: Theif Ball - The idea is good, if not used on Pokemon that needs Happiness to evolve, I guess. But there is always ways to get that up anyway :) I'd suggest a name-change though. Sounds like a Ball used to steal other's Pokemon, if you know what I mean :-\ Dark Ball or Hate Ball or something...

8: Guild/Buddy Ball - The idea is good, though I have a feeling this will increase the spam-rate of Friend Requests and Guild Requests, which no one likes, right?

9: I see how this would be good for Breeders, but a new ball doesn't cost that much in the original games, and I hope the price on balls in PU won't shoot up too much, so this wouldn't really make sense... If there was a Breeding feature connected to this ball, it would be kind of weird, but also pretty great? :P

10: I like the idea, as I tire a lot of going back and forth between towns and plains when training, but as noted before, it could be used to get a unfair advantage (not counting Lv.100 Pokemon as unfair against NPC Trainers) in battle. I do see how it's good if you. for example need a Pokemon that uses a HM, and you got to go a LOOOOONG way back to town to get one though. The bad part would be that you can't get the traded Pokemon back to the team, making it kinda useless, at least for me. I usually choose the Pokemon in my party for a reason :|