Here is another Joke i grew up with. I have heavely modefied it to my own ideas and thoughts but just as "Blowing Bubbles" the ending stays the same. I enjoyed the time i spent with it and i hope you all enjoy this piece and take no offence to it simply because it is what it is a "JOKE".
The Wishes Of The Bear And The Bird
An Ursaring was chasing this Delibird around in the valley of Forina for the honey in its bag.
They ran into a cavern and were running around a certain huge redwood where Jirachi slumbered.
Jirachi awoke and got so tired of the racket that it finally came down and told the pair that it would go against its rule of only granting 1 wish per thousand years and grant them 3 wishes a piece if they would just leave it alone. The pair agreed.
The Ursaring said he would go first. "I wish...that all the bears in this valley were female."
And Jirachi granted the wish. The Delibird just grinned and asked for a helmet.
The Ursaring thought that strange but continued. "I wish...that all the bears in this Region to be female!" And Jirachi granted the wish. The Delibird just grinned again and wished for a motorcycle. He jumped on the bike, put on his helmet and started gunning it.
The Ursaring looked at the Delibird and said, "You must be the stupidest pokemon I ever met!"
Then he asked for his last wish. "I wish...that all the bears in the world to be female!"
And Jirachi granted the wish. The Delibird just grinned and said, "I wish the bear was gay.”