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Author Topic: [Pending] The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)  (Read 6238 times)


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[Pending] The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)
« on: July 13, 2013, 04:58:39 PM »
This takes place decades after Link saved Hyrule from the shadows of the twilight world in ‘Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess’. In this peaceful world everybody lives with everybody, all being friendly and good to each other. Some species even tended to like each other and so hybrids came into existence. But soon this peace will be disturbed as a new darkness has risen. A new generation of hero’s and villains will rise as an older generation revives.
Will you be one of them?
If so… Take up your sword and continue!

Plot: Hyrule, 75 years after the event ‘The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess’ took place.

Everyone in Hyrule knows about the legendary deeds of the Chosen Hero Link. He saved Hyrule of the twilight and destroyed Ganendorf together with Midna, the true Twilight Princess. Link has been dead now for 15 years and the next hero was taught the ways of the Chosen. All seemed well until one day a dark mage appeared. He had heard about a way to resurrect Ganendorf and searched the whole land for it, eventually finding and mastering the techniques to revive him. He, together with his followers, went up to the Gerudo dessert and at the top of the prison, where once the twilight mirror resided, and started their rituals. Ganendorf was successfully resurrected and looked at his ‘saviours’. He saw the dark mage had the same darkness in his heart as his minion Zant once had and killed all the others accept for the mage. The mage seemed to be a descendant of Zant, his reincarnation to be exact. Ganendorf decided to use his Chosen powers to conjure a new mirror of Twilight, so he could once again sink Hyrule in the world of Twilight.

Soon the world started to change and the twilight started to spread. However the twilight wasn’t the same as before, for now the Hyrulians kept their physical form even in the twilight realm. Only their appearance now alters their inner self, making some transform in shadow-beasts who only have the urge to kill. The new hero went on to defeat this evil, like Link once did in the past but failed. He was ambushed and killed leaving nobody to defend Hyrule from this threat. So Ganendorf took control of the whole of Hyrule. The only place which is still standing against this threat is the Lyanru province, Zelda’s castle being the last City that hasn’t fallen underneath his tirany.

A light mage even found a way to resurrect Zelda and Link, as this light mage was a descendant of the royal family, one with a pure heart. The resurrected Link and Zelda however did not have any of their former powers as it took to much energy to restore it together with them. She told them what happened and why they were brought back, both to teach a new generation of hero’s. A message was sent throughout the land asking for brave Hyrulians who wanted to heed her call.

In the whole of Hyrule there are some people who are willing to give their life for a free world.
Those who shared the same ideals as Link did then heeded the call and went on their way to Zelda’s castle. Some already lived in Castle town, while others came from the other provinces now know as Twilight provinces.

You are one of those Hyrulians, ready to fight for your country and save it from the darkness.

PS: later on there will be chances to deflect to the ‘dark’ side, but everybody starts as a good guy

Rules: 1. No godmodding
2. Must have some Knowledge of the LOZ series
3. Violence is allowed, Just dont be Too violent.
4. This is medival so you can use only swords, Bombs, Bows, MAGIC, Daggers, and other Medival weaponry

Sign up sheet:
Hero-sign: (like Links Triforce, it can be anything except the Triforce)
normal appearance: (how you look like in the ‘free’ area’s)
Twilight appearance: (when you enter the twilight realm or twilight provinces, this can be altered human form or a beast but don’t go being a dragon… that would be unfair)
Twilit-sprite: (this little spirit guides you through the twilight realm/provinces, it has no physical form and is actually a part of your own soul. Treat it well and protect it, as it can be attacked by shadow monsters)
background: (Optional)
secret power: (Somewhere in the RP you’ll get a secret power, make sure nobody has already taken your power)
steed: (Only in the free zone’s. Most things are allowed, even dragons but they’ll be quite uh… on the tiny side)

the species of hyrule Hylian: humans, no special powers though some have an unknown potential for magic. They have great agility and knowledge of weapons and nature.

Gerudo thieves: Looks like this . Inhabitants of the Gerudo province, skilled and graceful warriors.

Gorgon: Great and strong ‘warriors’. They live near the volcano, located in the west of Hyrule. These species have a predilection for wrestling and hot springs. The have the look of a massive boulder .

Zora: Great swimmers can live on both land and water. They have gills and fins which give them the ability to live underwater all the time. These species live in the north of Hyrule, in the Zora domain. They look a bit uh… fishy

Twilli: Beings from the twilight zone, most do not like the fact Ganendorf and Zant have restarted their pans for world domination. Some even decided to go to the ‘world of light’ and aid their inhabitants. Those who went to aid are followers of Midna, the Twilight Queen.

Here is me

Nickname: N/A
name: Mizu
age: 14
gender: male
species: Zora
Hero-sign: Gerudo sign
normal appearance: Like Zora Link from Majoras mask
Twilight appearance: Looks like a Black anaconda, but slightly bigger
Twilit-sprite: a Fairy that looks like Navi
weapons: Scales that can be used as Boomerangs on arms
background: Nope
personality: Nice and helpfull, Brave especially
secret power: In water i can damage people by a Magical barrier around me for a short time
steed: a sea serpant, His name is Fluffykins XD
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 02:25:52 PM by Jerry »

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2013, 05:40:57 PM »
While there is plenty of plot info, nothing else is really organized well. You have more than one RP open, which proves you did not read the rules. Even though it isn't up to me, I doubt either of your RP's will be approved. No offense, but this is the first time you have posted on the site. You probably are not accustomed to how RP's are run here, and plus, we know nothing about you and how credible you are. Nothing against you, but you'd be far better off joining an RP here before trying to run one, but unfortunately none are open for new members at this time.
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Re: The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2013, 05:50:25 PM »
I take offence. Also none of the other RPs intrest me.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2013, 05:54:37 PM »
Well, there is only one other RP open, which is run by me. There is a possibility of us closing it down and me opening a new one, though.
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Re: The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2013, 05:56:38 PM »
I'm gonna have to check the rules at some point, then i'll try to make another roleplay when im done. plus i'm useually attracted mostly to Region like RPs.

Offline Arctus

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Re: The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2013, 01:11:23 AM »
Firs things first, good luck with your RP, but there was a little error i noticed that i couldn't help but point out. In the species list, i'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but you have Gorgon listed instead of Goron. Just thought i'd point that out.

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Re: The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2013, 10:13:47 AM »
I take offence. Also none of the other RPs intrest me.

It's called constructive critisism. RP's tend to be of good quality around here and are pretty well organized. Besides, a rule around here: Once you start an RP you are the one supposed  to keep the RP going. You're the moderator of the rp's you create, so you have to run the RP. If you stop posting the RP will be closed. Managing more than one RP can be a handful. Also, in order to may start a RP you will have to wait for  Amphi, Jerry or Wailord to grant you permission to start your RP.

As for the application sheet, it's sort of unorganized. There is no use of BB code into it. BB code can make it easier and nicer to read through profiles. And in order to make people follow on the BB code tag the entire application with the [.code] tag. It'll make your template application easy to copy and paste.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: The new generation (Legend of zelda RP)
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2013, 02:31:40 PM »
Same comment as my post on the other RP thread here.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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