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Author Topic: [GAME] Count to 500.  (Read 468051 times)

Offline Raikt

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #390 on: April 29, 2010, 06:39:15 PM »
380 - Latias

Latias (????? Ratiasu?), known as the Eon Pokémon, is the female counterpart to Latios. Latias is a bird-like dragon Pokémon vaguely resembling Lugia. The lower half of her body is red with jet-plane wings and stubby feet. Latias has a blue triangle-shaped ring on her chest. Latias has white and red arms, which can be tucked into her body. The upper-half of Latias's body is white. She has triangle-shaped ears and a red face with a white pentagon in the middle. She is highly intelligent and can understand human speech. She can telepathically communicate with others. Latias will form small herds of several members. They will rarely make contact with people or other Pokémon. If Latias senses hostility towards herself, she will ruffle the feathers all over her body and cry shrilly to intimidate her foe. However, she will usually disappear if she senses an enemy, by folding her body, and refracting light

Actually, Registeel is the premier Special Wall of UU. He is the main choice, followed shortly by Chansey. Though, more people opt to use Registeel for his nice set of resistances. I actually like Registeel.
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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #391 on: April 29, 2010, 06:46:16 PM »
381 - Latios

The other pair of Eon pokemon, the 'cool' one... see for yourself :)

I didn't mean that they were had bad stats. While Registeel has good defences, its offences are not that great. (IMO)
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #392 on: May 01, 2010, 01:13:10 AM »
382-Kyogre one of the three hoenn legendarys my least favorite although I love them all and he is one of my favorite legendarys.

It lives in the bottom of the ocean and sometimes rests at "Marine cave".
His figure is awesome in the TFG http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/c/c0/NextQuest_Kyogre.JPG/150px-NextQuest_Kyogre.JPG

Also in the anime : http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/f/f3/Kyogre.png/250px-Kyogre.png

« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 01:19:58 AM by LucarioX »
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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #393 on: May 01, 2010, 10:16:18 AM »
383 - Groudon

The ever rival of Kyogre, Groudon can use its abilities to expand the land mass. The sunshine produced by its ability drought allows it to produce a powerful and quick solarbeam. It is said that it lives in a deep cave (forgot the name, land cave?) and can be controlled by the blue orb.
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #394 on: May 01, 2010, 05:38:55 PM »
Got to do my favorite.

384-Rayquaza (The coolest legendaryy eva.)
It files around it's home the ozone layer to make sure nobody hurts it (not working to good huh) and rests only at Sky Pillar it can soothe the other members of the weather trio so it can be considered the leader.    * Rayquaza has the highest Attack  stat of all Dragon-type and Flying-type Pokémon.
          o Rayquaza is tied with Palkia and Dialga for highest Special Attack of all Dragon-type Pokémon.
          o Rayquaza has the highest Special Attack of all Flying-type Pokémon
    * Rayquaza is the tallest legendary Pokémon.
    * Rayquaza is the only legendary Pokémon to learn an HM move by level-up in the same generation that it's an HM.
    * Rayquaza is the only legendary Pokémon that can be captured at a higher level than the Elite Four's Pokémon before becoming the champion. This only happens in Pokémon Emerald.
    * Not counting Hidden Power and Natural Gift, Rayquaza can learn damaging attacks of fifteen of the seventeen types, tying with Togekiss and Lucario for the most, not counting Mew, Smeargle or Arceus.
          o It cannot learn any damaging Psychic- or Poison-type moves, but can learn Rest and Toxic, while Togekiss cannot learn any damaging Ice- or Poison-type moves, but can learn Toxic as well.
    * It is said that Rayquaza will come if Groudon and Kyogre are battling, but it didn't appear in the episodes Gaining Groudon and The Scuffle of Legends.
    * Rayquaza is the only trio master that is actually a member of its own trio.
    * Out of the weather trio, it is the only one with a secondary type.
    * Though Rayquaza can be fought by a Pokémon character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary, it is not fought by any Pokémon characters when it first appears.
    * Rayquaza is currently the only Pokémon with its base stat total that does not share the specific stat numbers with another Pokémon: Mewtwo, Lugia, and Ho-Oh all have a 90-90-106-110-130-154 distribution in different orders, while the dragon trio all have 90-100-100-120-120-150.
Rayquaza is most likely based on the Hebrew legends of Ziz, the unconquerable primal master of the sky. Its counterparts were Behemoth and Leviathan. Rayquaza's appearance also draws inspiration from a Chinese dragon.
Rayquaza's name is likely a combination of ray and quasar. Although Rayquaza's Romanized name suggests its Japanese name is meant to be the same as its English name, it could be a combination of ? retsu, violent or furious, ? k?, sky, and ? za, from universe.

RAayquaza looks great in all of these (and everywhere else) and I think he looks the best in emerald.
Shiny emerald:
Shiny D/P/P/SS/HG:
sprite in HGSS:

Sorry about the size of everything I just like Rayquaza.
Most of the above is from bulbapedia.com

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #395 on: May 01, 2010, 07:31:22 PM »
385 - Jirachi

Jirachi, the legendary pokemon obtainable only through event (and of course, cheats), Jirachi is famous for its ability of make wishes come true, and was hence named Jirachi, the Wishmaker. It is said that it awakens from its sleep once in a millenium, when the comet is visible. It is said that it can draw power from the comet using its third eye, on its tummy.
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #396 on: May 01, 2010, 08:45:44 PM »
It is said that it can draw power from the comet using its third eye, on its tummy.
LOL,that is weird.

I just did one so i'll give someone else a chance.
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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #397 on: May 02, 2010, 05:34:42 AM »
386 - Deoxys

Deoxys - is a Pokémon formed from a mutation of an extraterrestrial virus exposed to a laser beam. It has psychokinetic powers and a high intelligence along with a crystalline organ on its chest that acts as its brain and shoots lasers. It has the ability to transform into four different forms, each with a specific purpose: Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed.
  by- marijan2

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #398 on: May 02, 2010, 08:44:33 AM »
387 - Turtwig

One of the Sinnoh starters, this grass pokemon is like a turtle. It defends its territory by charging at its foes and biting them with its strong jaws.

It is said that it can draw power from the comet using its third eye, on its tummy.
LOL,that is weird.

I just did one so i'll give someone else a chance.

I know, I wanted to laugh a little too :P
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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #399 on: May 02, 2010, 03:25:34 PM »
388 - Grotle

It lives along water in forests. In the daytime, it leaves the forest to sunbathe its treed shell
  by- marijan2

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #400 on: May 02, 2010, 05:18:17 PM »
389 - Torterra

The first Ground/Grass pokemon. It has an amazing movepool of powerful attacks. Quite slow though, its defence compensates that respect and makes Torterra one of the best choices for battle.
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Offline babyHERO

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #401 on: May 02, 2010, 06:55:56 PM »
390 - Chimchar

It is very agile. Before going to sleep, it extinguishes the flame on its tail to prevent fires.
  by- marijan2

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #402 on: May 02, 2010, 07:14:02 PM »
391 - Monferno

The first Fire/Fighting pokemon, Monferno first learns Mach Punch. Swift and agile, it can send amazingly fast punches to send its foe flying. If the battle is difficult, it'll roll itself and use its powerful Flamewheel move.
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Offline babyHERO

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[GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #403 on: May 02, 2010, 07:36:54 PM »
392 - Infernape

It uses a special kind of martial arts involving all its limbs. Its fire never goes out.

Umm Jerry I have a question ...why when everytime i write a post i keep the same number which is 19 when i have actually made over 40+ post ..does it take time for it to update or anything ..I just don't understand why it still says i have 19 post but when i check my profile statistics i have made over 40 + ... ???
  by- marijan2

Offline Jerry

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Re: [GAME] Count to 500.
« Reply #404 on: May 02, 2010, 08:17:30 PM »
393 - Piplup

Have you noticed that under 'Off-Topic Discussions', there is the bold notice: "Posts in this forum do not add to your total post count." :)

Water penguin pokemon...
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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