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Author Topic: Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?  (Read 11383 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:52:46 PM »
I don't necessarily mean all of them, just the ones that haven't been added to the approved list yet. I wanted to go and revamp some old entries, but if everything is locked I can't do any work.

Xetroc? Roloc? Anyone? help?

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Re: Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2014, 10:29:12 PM »
I believe I unlocked all yours (looking through those that were approved would've taken me more time, so, I just unlocked those I came across.

Those would be automatically locked in a month though :-\
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Offline fuzzy3158

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Re: Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2014, 07:07:05 PM »
Hmm well the whole point of this was that I wanted to work on other people's abandoned entries. Mine are probably as good as they're going to get, but others' still need work done. If that's the case, could you unlock all entries BUT mine? that should work ;) And tell Xetroc he still has a job to do here. I can work on my own for a bit, but I seriously need SOME feedback every now and then to keep motivation up. Or at least someone to work with.

Edit: P.S. Stuff's still locked.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 07:13:04 PM by fuzzy3158 »

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Re: Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 08:38:47 PM »
Ohh, okay, I unlocked those as well. Seems though that there's something which 'scans' the forum for threads that have been inactive for at least 4 weeks and closes them automatically. Well, if anything, just say the word and I'll unlock the threads as soon as I can. As for Xetroc, I just unlocked his other topic and put a post there.

I would be glad to leave some feedback myself, but I've been a bit on the busy side with work and some other stuff :( Maybe at a later point in time.
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Offline fuzzy3158

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Re: Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2014, 09:23:52 PM »
I'd be more than willing to admin the entire thing myself. Seriously. But I kinda think responsibility and authority go hand in hand, and I'm not going to manage that part of the board if I can't even unlock the threads and edit a pinned post and stuff.

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Re: Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2014, 10:24:16 PM »
Sorry about that whole thing. School caught up with me, and I'm in the final stretch. I'll see what I can do about pokedex entries for you fuzzy, as you seem to have it down to a science (see what I did there). I will catch up to everything hopefully by next week, and read through your entries once more.

And yes, after 4 weeks of inactivity on a thread, the thread locks automatically, but can be unlocked on request.
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Re: Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2014, 11:16:12 PM »
Feel free to message me if you need something unlocked or any other help, fuzzy. By PM is the best way to alert me as it sends me an e-mail which will send me a text message. Thats the fastest way to get up with me.
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Offline fuzzy3158

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Re: Can someone please unlock the pokedex entries?
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2014, 01:56:20 PM »
@Xetroc It's fine really. If you have stuff like school that you have to do stuff for, I can't expect you to be active all the time. I would appreciate it, however, if you were to announce such a period of inactivity by replying on your own pokedex thread or PM'ing me or whatever. I mean I can probably extrapolate stuff from your inactivity, but I prefer to just get a message, that's all.

@Roloc Thanks, I'll make a list of entries that I'll be working on starting next week. I'd do some stuff this weekend but I have a couple of MTG prereleases to attend plus the King's day flee market which I have to scour for foil pokemon cards so yeah.