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Author Topic: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble!  (Read 5919 times)

Offline Phosphorous

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[Quest] Hot Springs Trouble!
« on: March 09, 2010, 01:41:00 AM »
I'm trying to finish adding the details now. It should be done before tonight. Sorry it took so long to finish, found out i was moving to Germany and i wasn't in a good mood.

[X] = variables that the PU Team will have to fill in; due to the lack of my knowledge in their plans for the game.

Quest Difficulty Info: This quest is HARD for the more experienced player.

Starting Location: Inside the hot springs house with the young lady (also referred to as "hot springs lady" while i wrote it in the quest.

Items/moves needed: The move rock smash. The Move Waterfall.

Level requirements:

As you walk into [X] Town, you explore and become familiar with the surroundings and places to see. (pokemart, pokecenter, museum, berry patches, mountain/volcanic area, ect) Eventually you'll see a hot springs fenced up, and the only way to get to it is to go inside and pay to use it. Although from outside you can see what seems like the water is boiling.

(If this can't be implemented then perhaps you can see that there's a thermometer? and it's little circle is RED, if not then I guess if you try to get in; a chat box will appear and say "It's too hot to get in.")

Anyways so you go into the building, and there seems to be no customers; instead there's a frustrated young lady pacing back an forth. You go up to her and talk to her and she informs you that the springs are too hot for people to get into, and she'll go out of business soon if she can't get the root of the problem. So she asks you if you will investigate for her and try to find out why the the hot springs are hotter than usual. The only clue she gives in the conversation is; "You must search under every rock if you have to!".

You go out the other door into the hot springs area. There's a couple of seats, the hot spring (of course), a red thermometer, some decorating plants, and 2 regular rocks. You go up to the rocks and both say "Just a regular rock". You check the red thermometer and it reads "the temperature is too high to read". You back to the lady after searching in that small area, and she begs you to help, that there has to be a solution other than closing down. She says "search under every rock if you must in [X] Town!". Again emphasizing on the clue for those who didn't get it the first time in the quest.

You go searching under the rocks in the town, but most read "Just a regular rock". You finally come to one somewhat [South, East, or West] of the springs, and there's an option that asks you if you want to use rock smash. You hit yes, and a ladder appears under the smashed rock. You climb down, and you're now into a bright cave with some steam in the air.

As you explore this small cave area, you see a Magmortar guarding 3 pokemon eggs behind him. Once you get close enough a cute scene takes place. He shoots a 3,600 degree fireball from the end of it's arm towards you, and of course you move out of it's path. His fire ball hits behind you at a random rock and it turns it to crystal because of the temperature. He then leaves you alone feeling like he's intimidated you; still protecting the eggs behind him. (You can't battle or catch Magmortar)

[At the time you don't know that you're supposed to take the Crystal (by examining the rock he shot), but if you happen to search it then you acquire an "Unidentified Crystal".] This is only after you use *WATER FALL* on it because it's at an extreme high temperature and you can't grab it.

After that there's not much to do in the cave, so you leave and go back to the springs lady. You tell her the reason why her springs are so boiling hot is because, underground a Magmortar is rampant making underground temperature increase in that area. The lady tells you that she doesn't believe you because Magmortars live in volcanoes not underground. She says you must bring her proof if you want her to believe your story.

If you don't have the "unidentified crystal", then you must go back into the cave and retrieve it. Once you obtain it, go back and talk to the springs lady. You show her the unidentified crystal, and she says that's not enough proof, and that she doesn't know what it is. She says you should try to identify it, and then come back.

Now you walk around town asking people if they know what it is. A couple people give you some mis-leading information saying things like "It's a moon stone!", or "It's just a regular crystal...". None of these answers are correct, and if you go back to the springs lady she'll tell you she knows how a real crystal, and a moon stone look like, and that the unidentified crystal isn't either.

To get the "unidentified crystal" identified you must go to the museum. You have to pay a small fee of [X] and you get in. This building is 2 floors with some interesting stuff AKA [X]. Once in- talk to the people in the "rock area" upstairs. An old man be delighted to have lived to see this rock once more and will identify it as "Magphosphoric Rock". He tells you it's rare because usually the heat off of a Magmortar fireball destroys all traces of it. He says they're usually found (if any) at the top of volcanoes, or even more rarely found on top of old mountains. He says the only place he's seen it is in the biggest pokemon museum in [X], Myrus. He tells you to go downstairs and speak with the lady at the desk for an official document. You go down to the lady and show her the Magphosphoric Rock, and she'll give you the official identifying documents.

You then go back to the springs lady, and tell her it's Magphosphoric Rock/show her the document, and she will agree and say that she's never seen anything like it in person. She tells you to keep it, but that this still doesn't explain why there's a Magmortar underground guarding pokemon eggs. She tells you that their normal habitat is in volcanic and high mountain peak areas that used to be volcanoes. Either way she tells you that Magmortar is ruining her business, and that you need to find a way to get rid of it.

 (Many of you think you probably have to go down into the cave and battle it to make it leave. Now that'd be too easy wouldn't it? ) Although that's what many people are going to do; only to find that nothing happens when you approach the Magmortar. If the people doing the quest have payed attention to what the NPC's have been saying so far, then hopefully they'll be led to next right spot. Some mountain area.

Near the town of [X] there's a mountain path that doesn't look like much. You go up the dirt stairs, and up a little past some pokemon grass. There's a small house, and if you try to enter a chat box will appear and say "Went up the mountain to study and catch some fire pokemon. -Professor Brant".

So from there you should start heading up higher this narrow, but tall mountain, going in and out of narrow cave paths. Once you hit the top of the mountain you'll see Professor Brant watching/studying a Charizard. As you walk up to him he'll scream because you startled him, and the Charizard will notice you both and attack. You can't catch this Charizard btw. Once you defeat the powerful "uncatchable" charizard, it'll fly away.

Professor Brant will be very upset with you because he'll explain he's been trying to catch a strong fire pokemon for weeks now for his research. Then you tell him about Magmortar, and how he's underground causing a lot of trouble for the hot springs lady. He says he can't believe it; that he's a professional fire pokemon researcher and that he's never heard of a Magmortar underground. You show him the Magphosphoric Rock that you happen to pick up, and he then believes you. You tell him that if he can capture the Magmortar it's all his. He then tells you to meet him at the bottom of the mountain inside his house.

You go back down the mountain, and you can now enter his house. He asks if you're ready to go catch the Magmortar. Of course you say yes, and then asks you to lead the way. He follows you down into the steamy cave. When you both get down there Magmortar is now guarding 2 of the 3 eggs from before. One of the eggs had hatched and evolved into Magmar when you where gone the whole time! The professor says he can't take on two pokemon at the same time, and says he needs your help to catch the Magmortar. You say yes, and as he approaches the Magmortar, your player automatically follows behind him.

It turns into a double battle! Professor Brant and you Vs. Magmar and Magmortar! The only way to beat this battle is to make Magmar faint first, and once Magmortar is weak enough the professor will catch it. But it won't be easy! This Magmortar has more health than the average Magmortar does, and Professor Brants pokemon isn't doing much to help in this battle, but after the battle he'll thank you for helping him catch his new powerful Magmotar. He says they can't just leave the two eggs behind unprotected, so he asks you to take one. They're both Magbys, but one's a female egg, and the other's a male egg. So choose whichever you want.

Once you each take an egg, the cave's mist will clear up. You go back to the springs lady and she'll thank you for restoring her springs back to normal. She'll tell you that you can use her hot springs when ever you want. She tells you she owns more than one hot springs around the region, and you now have access to all of them for free.

[X]- now I was thinking what a hot springs would be good for, and I was thinking it would help your egg hatch faster perhaps. Honestly I'm gonna need some PU Team, and player feedback. So here's the question.

What do you think a hot springs should be used for; what effects does it give off?

Magby Egg-(Female or Male).
Magphosphoric Rock- Sell it for a HIGH amount of cash to any shop because it's rare.
You can keep it and set it inside your guild or own house as a decoration.
or you can equip it to any fire pokemon and make it's normal health increase.
Hot Springs V.I.P.- Allows access to all hot springs for free.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 07:24:18 PM by Phosphorous »

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (long and unfinished)
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 02:12:17 AM »
I enjoyed it thus far, I would very much like to see the finished product ^_^  The magmortar part was quite inspiring, and the background makes the story ^_^


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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (long and unfinished)
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2010, 02:54:48 AM »
magPHOSPHORIC.... Nice way of implementing your forum name lol..... Well it is a good quest so far but it should be limited to a different player at differeent times. Everyone knows that there will be a lot of good trainers, so this would be kinda weird having like ten people seeing the magmortar work it's mojo. If it's available to more than  a few people it should be one player at a time. I don't know if you get what i'm saying, but it is a really interesting quest.   

Offline duotent

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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (long and unfinished)
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2010, 09:21:10 AM »
i know you said theres no customer but wat about pokemon helping her like 3 squirtle for cooling the pools when to hot and charmanders to make it hot if to cold lol not that you would see it but just a bit of background on why there there
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Offline Jerry

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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (long and unfinished)
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2010, 04:52:43 PM »
It's nice! I already have a faint idea of what will be the next part ;)

I hope you'll get it through the contest to the three best :)

But hard? I don't quite see the 'hard' part up to now... maybe that'll follow, or did you mean the thinking part where you have to try guessing where to go?

Oh, as a note, perhaps you could change a little part, about the museum.

I doubt that someone in normal life would accept that this crystal is a magphosphoric rock just because you got a 'scientific' term. Perhaps, you can change it, making the woman follow you to the museum and talk to the old man. This doesn't need walking through the town, but getting past the door of the building, then reappear in the museum. After that, she leaves the museum and appears back in the building again.

Or if you can find some other way around. The flaw I see in my suggestion is that if she disappears there, then the other players cannot go on with the quest... or make the old man go with you to the building (by the same appearing disappearing process) while a 'clone' of him remains in the museum.
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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (long and unfinished)
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2010, 07:39:53 PM »
Oh, as a note, perhaps you could change a little part, about the museum.
How about the man in the museum gives you a note (with his signature) explaining what the rock is, and then no ladies need to disappear :P

The part I'm more interested in is the cut scene. I don't really see how this is to be implemented. The only solution I can think of (I know it sucks) is a message telling you that it happens.

Offline Phosphorous

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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (long and unfinished)
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2010, 09:30:19 PM »
It's nice! I already have a faint idea of what will be the next part ;)

I hope you'll get it through the contest to the three best :)

But hard? I don't quite see the 'hard' part up to now... maybe that'll follow, or did you mean the thinking part where you have to try guessing where to go?

Oh, as a note, perhaps you could change a little part, about the museum.

I doubt that someone in normal life would accept that this crystal is a magphosphoric rock just because you got a 'scientific' term. Perhaps, you can change it, making the woman follow you to the museum and talk to the old man. This doesn't need walking through the town, but getting past the door of the building, then reappear in the museum. After that, she leaves the museum and appears back in the building again.

Or if you can find some other way around. The flaw I see in my suggestion is that if she disappears there, then the other players cannot go on with the quest... or make the old man go with you to the building (by the same appearing disappearing process) while a 'clone' of him remains in the museum.

I honestly think that be cooler; if the cloned old man followed you to tell her. But if that can't be implemented then, I guess I'll change it some to where after the old man tells you that you can go downstairs and get a "official document" stating that the rock is what it is to take to the old lady.

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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (long and unfinished)
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2010, 05:53:56 AM »
How about the man in the museum gives you a note (with his signature) explaining what the rock is, and then no ladies need to disappear :P

The part I'm more interested in is the cut scene. I don't really see how this is to be implemented. The only solution I can think of (I know it sucks) is a message telling you that it happens.

Yes, I hadn't thought of that. If nothing suggested can be implemented, that for sure can be.

I honestly think that be cooler; if the cloned old man followed you to tell her. But if that can't be implemented then, I guess I'll change it some to where after the old man tells you that you can go downstairs and get a "official document" stating that the rock is what it is to take to the old lady.

Remember, it's still your quest, not mine. If you found something cooler, then get with it! :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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Offline Phosphorous

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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (FINISHED!)
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2010, 04:31:49 PM »
I've now finished the quest sorry it took so long, I'm looking forward to some feedback :]

Offline Jerry

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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (FINISHED!)
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2010, 05:03:01 PM »
Hmm, maybe make the hot spring like in FR/LG, that is when you get into the centre of the pool, your pokemon are totally healed.

Hmmm.... I thought you will be talking about why was the Magmortar underground instead of near the volcano... well, it doesn't realy matter.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Re: [Quest] Hot Springs Trouble. (FINISHED!)
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2010, 07:10:24 PM »
oh yeah now that you mention it i never really explained why he was down there in the first place. lol oops plot hole :O I'll let Spirit fix it xD