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Author Topic: Our hero Ash Ketchum  (Read 48706 times)

Offline Hyakko

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2010, 12:43:37 PM »
Personally i think the anime is highly overrated. A lot of things don't add up first Pikachu isn't supposed to beat an Onix. Second Ash is supposed to be a normal guy not some retard. Like when i played in GSC series Ash became a man of a few words. like seriously, alot of things don't add up and stupidity is flung in the air like perfume.

I think though that ash should be more reserved and older looking with all the time he took wandering about and having his experience as a surefire that he can't fail after beating such great and powerfull trainers, like seriously, He should toss pauls pokemon like ragdolls all around and chew them up and spit them out like pogey bait. Like come on my battle against ASH in GSC series was titanic hard and I almost lost to his level 100 team. LEVEL 100 no fricking way he should have lost to Paul. Also I seriously don't like how they make heros soo STUPID, like come on. LUV your pokemon with all your heart reminds me  of Sailor moon lines but for the boys. seriously. He should be smart experienced and skilled not look like the total idiot that he is. I would have like the series much more if things had made more sense in the beginning. Ok he has an electric pokemon, he should know not to use electric in a earth/rock gym, should be looking for a plant pokemon. or a water one. also doing impossible things like killing a legendary with charizard(even though the type match up should have been perfect), takes credibility in the anime away. what we should see is not the usual roster of pokemons but him making a gym roster team whenever he gets to a gym. with all those battles under his belt he should not be able to loose to Paul.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2010, 07:12:02 PM »
Well, winning despite a handicap is the essence of strategy, I think, right?

Yes, I know, Ash doesn't really have strategies, but he happen to do some awesome combos at times, even if he does completely fail at other times.

On another note, if Ash was to be winning each time, people will find him too predictable, more than it's already now anyway.

Ok, you can go on now.
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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2010, 02:41:46 AM »
Is Ash still 10??? Haha I think the original series of the anime was the best. Not as many pokemon, better comedy, now Ash is a smart trainer and isn't as inexperienced in battle. The anime is great though.

Offline Gingimon

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2010, 03:36:24 AM »
I can't imagine the person lucky enough to have the name Ash Ketchum, btw, are these forum names gonna be the names we use when the game/beta comes out?
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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2010, 05:25:04 AM »
Ash Ketchum is a legend. Had he not changed voices when 4kids sold the show to Pokemon America the show would still be awesome and everyone would still love it. Everyone overreacts about how bad that new gen's are. The reason they believe they are bad is because they haven't played them. Once you start playing them you get situated with the new pokemon and used to the new region. I love every aspect of Pokemon whether its the classic anime, or the games (and hopefully soon the MMORPG!!!)

Offline Napo

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2010, 07:15:27 AM »
why don't they just let ash retire already and start a another series with a new trainer and a pichu as his starter or a shinx or something
lol they will only let ash retire if he becomes the next pokemon master.

Plus i also saw the new jap opening and was great, and his monferno will evolve in dp 163 and his grotle will evolve later xD. but i didn't see gible evolved form or buizel.

Offline Socrates

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2010, 09:46:36 PM »
Ash wont ever retire. His whole life is centered around pokemon and training, literally. The show would clearly take a turn for the worse and would end up canceling the show had he leave. Plus I'm pretty sure that the show is almost finished with anyway, I dont know if I could handle anymore pokemon I already have enough trouble remembering them now.

Offline Aristos

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2010, 06:50:01 AM »
Poor Ash tho, I think after the Sinnoh Series, he should become Pokemon Master..
You should be happy what you have right now and to enjoy the youth you have right now.
When your parents were young they didn't have this type of technology and maybe not money they have right now to buy computers, games, etc.
And some kids that are under 13 already want to grow up. Trust me you don't want to grow up that fast. When you grow up there are many responsibilities ahead of you, but you are just sometimes naive to know that. Appreciate what you have right now, and the stuff your parents give you. Don't make it all go to waste, but to make it last.
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Offline Quote

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2010, 11:22:40 PM »

Flame me if you wish, but this is what I think of ash.

He's an idiot. He trains his pokemon only to give them away for no valid reason and still tries to be the best. Paul goes out there and trains, but I've never really seen ash go out and fight things since long ago. He seems to gain more pokemon through "friendship" than it is "I caught you"
Then once they're good he saids "goodbye" and shoos them off. The only reason pikachu isn't gone is because the show would lose a lot of it's touch without him.

Yet to me he already lost a lot of his touch when he removed misty.

I don't hate the pokemon show, but I don't like ash that much. At least not the new one. Maybe I'm a nostalgia-ass who can't take change to something which he loved, but I still stand to my reasons.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 11:25:01 PM by Quote »

Offline CowsSayMew

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2010, 03:56:02 PM »
ok 1) the show has been on a near loop for the past few seasons so its not "more interesting" because ash loses a few battles. ever since the orange islands the show has basically restarted with every new land he went to... Hey ima go to _____ and ima only bring pikachu and ima meet a new female to travel around with and im going to become like a new trainer... after everything ash has been through he technically shouldnt lose to many gems because dont new trainers go to these gyms to earn their badges too? so is ash just not > a new trainer? + wtf pikachu and ashes old team beat the orange island guy... pikachu defeated a dragonite.... how is pikachu not like lvl100 1shotting all these noob trainers...

2) i dont even watch diamond & pearl cuz it is an embarrassment to the anime. ffs it is basically a pokemon gameboy game advertiser/tutorial for 10 year olds... there was an episode about the B button... wth....

it would be better if pokemon just created a newer series where ash was older and he traveled around facing older trainers who were actually good at battling instead of his age being constant and him facing noob trainers all the time who, when they win, make ash look bad... if u are going to make ash lose, make him lose to someone who isnt an embarrassment loser... bring richie back or something XD

3) the only real marker of time passing throughout the whole series that i remember is in the 3rd movies mini movie... it was ash and pikachus 1 year together.... he ages slowly... but he is at least 11

Offline BuzzKillington

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2010, 06:21:17 PM »
I agree that pikachu should be level 100 one shot one killing everyone but then what would the point of the show be, i dont watch it because its not on in australia free to air and i dont have the download to get it but seriously how boring would it be if he walked into a new region no scoped all the gyms with thunder bolts walked up the the champion leagues and powned them with pikachu. It would be boring i think he should not battle with pikachu except in legendaries and the last great battles in champion leagues and such and that if he is going to start a fresh dont include pickachu in that noob class and let him stay the onix killing domination he is.
- Buzz -
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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2010, 07:07:18 PM »
Lots of stuff said before this, so I'm only bringing up one point:

I don't generally watch the anime. It slowly went downhill after the first episode. I skim almost every episode now to look exclusively for battle scenes. Everything else is so damn predictable. Team Rocket will show up. The cast will go somewhere and learn something new. (Even if it's an older lesson.) They make a friend / rival. Team Rocket shows up and steals something. They fail. Lesson learned. End. Put this on repeat and it's every episode since the first series. (Ever noticed almost every single episode ends with a fade out and them walking off into the sunset? Yeah...)

That's the opposite of an enticing plot. I digress, however. My original point was I miss things such as the battle with Dome Ace Tucker. Honestly, the result annoyed me. Ash shouldn't have one. Tucker was bloody brilliant. His strategies, tactics, and Pokemon choice were one of the reasons I became enthralled with the series as a child.
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Offline Ver-go-a-go-go

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2010, 10:09:31 PM »
I don't hate the pokemon show, but I don't like ash that much. At least not the new one. Maybe I'm a nostalgia-ass who can't take change to something which he loved, but I still stand to my reasons.

Your post reflects my thoughts almost exactly. And not just the part I quoted either.

I fear that trying to make Ash "mature" has gone a bit too far. Yeah, look at where he was at episode 001 and where he is now; I hardly see the same person. But that's what's SUPPOSED to happen in a TV series right? The main character is supposed to grow and develop for the best over the course. But perhaps it comes to a point to where he's "matured" so much that it's now laughable?


Leaving Charizard behind was a breaking point for me. That Charizard was the ultimate symbol of how Ash progressed I thought, taking it in as an abandoned Charmander, sticking with it even when it evolved and HATED him, and eventually beat Gary's Blastoise in what I consider the best battle that show has ever featured just because of that moment. But yeah, he throws it away.... because he's "mature" enough to see it's the "right" thing to do.

He makes the excuse from gen to gen that he wants to befriend the native Pokemon of that specific region to show them that they can be strong too. .....What? I thought the goal was for YOU to be strong, and you're going to need more mainstays than just Pikachu if you want that. Plus, it's a pain in the ass for the fans when you leave behind your own Pokemon that some of us happened to like.

I could ramble on and on, but I'll stop there. Ash is just maturity gone bad; you have to be more than mature if you're going to make it in Pokemon. ;)

Edit: The picture is great. Speaks a million words with the caption, too.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 10:11:02 PM by Ver-go-a-go-go »

Offline neokills

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2010, 10:53:36 PM »
you say that he got all the badges in the 1st generation, b ut that can't be true since gary was able to have 10 badges before ash even got his 8th, so there is obviously more than just 8 gym in the 1st region and I'm sure its safe to assume there is more than 8 gyms in the other regions also. And if you see it that way ash was only catching the bare minimum needed to enter the league.

Im not saying ash inst a great trainer but just because he has 8 badges in each region doesn't mean he beat all the gyms.

here it says there are at least 27 gyms known about in just the 1st region


so who knows how many total gyms there are, but ash definitely did not get them all or any where close for that matter
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 11:18:21 PM by neokills »
***Thanx to lucariox for this great signature***

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Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2010, 02:49:24 PM »
Well, maybe Gyms get closed, and other gyms open each time... like say one gym is performing badly... it gets closed, and another gym is opened somewhere else.

It's just my opinion, I may be wrong, but since there are no details about the gyms issue, I can only speculate.
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