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Author Topic: Me, Myself, And I  (Read 3536 times)

Offline Hiyaku

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Me, Myself, And I
« on: March 22, 2010, 08:53:26 PM »
I believe an explanation is in order. This is more a journal than it is a story. But as I face the pain within and the terror of school, I am guided by two "others." This is the story of Me, Myself, and I.

Day One

I sighed. Monday again. I blinked away the sunlight as I rose from bed. Even though the days were hotter, a chill ran down the back of my spine. I'd had a sleepless weekend, and it was because of a ghost I'd encountered the past two nights. I couldn't help but think it would come again to night.

I finally got and got dressed. I looked at the time, 6:15. As usual, I went to the kitchen and put my poptarts in the toaster and cocoa in the microwave. I chuckled, even though it was 70 degrees outside I was making hot cocoa. I logged on to the computer and grabbed my breakfast. The night before I had finished a picture, and wanted to show everyone on Pokemon Universe.

While looking for the art section, a post in the "Other Chat" section caught my eye. "SHARE YOUR PARANORMAL EXPERIENCES!!!" I clicked it, and wrote down my story. What if the ghost get's angry? said a voice in my head. Quit being such a wimp Xavier! said another. I sighed. Xavier and Zack were my two "others." While they were supposed to guide me, all they did was argue.

(Sadly, this is all I can give you for day 1, and I missed day 2, so on to day 3!)

Day Three

I woke up, another sleepless night. This time, something was sleeping in my bed. I shivered as I remembered the pressure on my back, and the soft breathing I had heard. I groaned, slowly getting out of bed. I couldn't understand it, why was I being haunted? I think it started when you switched beds with your sister. Xavier piped up. I couldn't help but think he was right. Even Zack agreed.

I got dressed, made my breakfast and played my Pokemon game for a while. I then left for school.

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I walked out of English happily, it was time for PE! Unable to contain my excitement, I ran across the hall to the Gym. You shouldn't run! said Xavier. Shutup! Run faster! Zack snapped. I ignored them to the best of my abilities.

At Gym, I quickly paired up with my friend Rachel, and started Badminton. I hated the game, but Rachel and I had agreed to sign up for the same stuff. I wanted football, but not enough people signed up.

I mumbled my misfortune as we started the game. We lost the first game, but won the second. I commented once again on how useless I was. Maybe if you gave it a try- Xavier started but Zack quickly interrupted him. THE GAME SUCKS YOU MORON! I sighed, but I agreed with Zack.

I sighed as I turned down the hall to see Mr. Rhudy, my Tech Ed teacher. I had hoped for a sub, so that I could use the computer. I sanded my box, not doing anything in particular. As soon as Tech Ed was over, I rushed to my locker to pack up my stuff.

As soon as my stuff was packed, I hurried back to the Gym for Field Hockey tryouts.

Day Four

I woke up, I'd finally gotten a good night's rest. It was safe to assume that my Mom's house wasn't haunted, but my Dad's was. My Mom drove us to my Dad's house, and I logged on the computer and got my Gameboy.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 01:19:40 PM by Hiyaku »

Offline baralai15

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Re: Me, Myself, And I
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2010, 10:48:57 PM »
lol pretty interesting.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Me, Myself, And I
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 04:55:51 PM »
I'll be looking forward for the other parts. It looks promising. :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...