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Author Topic: If you were a trainer in the anime...  (Read 31790 times)

Offline drpepper245

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2010, 06:46:02 PM »
I believe that I would choose my starter, and only use him for the entirety of my Pokemon Trainer life. Yes, I plan to defeat the Gym Leaders/Elite Four/Champion with that 1 Pokeman.
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Offline Phosphorous

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2010, 07:28:21 PM »
I think the best part of pokemon is you have all the freedom in the world to go where ever you want at a young age, just because you have a pokemon to protect you from evil or bad. Anyways.

I would do 1 of 2 things.

Scenario 1: Start my own "evil" crew, and start stealing everyone's pokemon and selling them the highest bidder, making a ruckus and all that just for fun.

Scenario 2: Catch like 3 pokemon, and travel to any place that seems worthy of checking out, any interesting places, or just party places and having some fun with the chicks (;

Offline Sora

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2010, 01:59:55 PM »
At start I would probably get my self loads of pokemon, travel to many places, switch pokemon a lot except 2 or 3 of my favourites, fly around in my skarmory - just catch, train, eat and sleep.  ;D
Then I would pick 6 or my fourite and best pokemon, make exact schedule of travel and training, beat Gym leaders, Elite 4, enter Pokemon League, earn some cool titles,...  8)
When I would mature I woud seek legendary pokemon and collect data about them, then sell data to anyone willing to buy it.  :D
I would probably retire as Pokemon profesor, handing strater pokemon out to Newbies, collecting new pokemon data, studying the hundreds of pokemon I have cought during strart... ::)
My siggy just got attacked by zubat.

Offline Interested Listener

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2010, 08:41:44 AM »
I would run through the grass and caves without being stopped every few steps. :) haha But actually I agree with Hyakko I would gather a balance team and increase their skills and upgrade them. Then I would probably bond with my Pokemon and be more than just battle partners but friends. Also, I wouldn't let my rival always be where I need to go before me. :)
The Interested Listener

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2010, 11:30:25 PM »
I'd team up with michael vick and start an underground Mightyena battle thing to make some cash.

Offline Saleboi0708

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2010, 11:17:33 PM »
If you were a beginning trainer in the anime, how would you train your Pokemon? Seek out Pokemon they are weak to? Make them all walk everywhere with you to build strength and endurance? Just battle whatever chance happens to throw your way?

Would you spend your time seeing the world, going where your adventures take you, or would you design a training regime to make sure your Pokemon were the best in as short a time as possible?

Would you catch as many Pokemon as you could from early on or wait until you found your favourites? Remember, it might be a long time before you find that Larvitar, and you don't have the internet to tell you where to find them! You could dedicate the early part of your journey to the hunt, asking Professors where to begin and who to ask to find your special Pokemon. Ash tends just to accept whatever lands in his lap, he seems to have no aspirations for owning a particular species.

Interesting indeed, If i were just starting my pokemon journey i wouldn't take a beginner pokemon like every other boy/girl in my town "in my case village" i believe your vary first pokemon should be one that your willing to capture on your own without the assistance of another pokemon that you were forced to choose because the professor said so.

I Believe that makes you weak and undeserving of your first pokemon if it is given to you. I would travel to the location where i believe the pokemon i am looking for is and wont stop till i see him even shouting it's name out loud untill it showed itself "in my case it would be a Gengar". Once it showed itself i would try to prove myself worthy of having  him as my pokemon till he understood my cause, after a dramatic scene he would then understand, if not then i would have not been worthy enough for him to be my pokemon.

Hoping he understood my cause we would then start our journey together, my training would be extremely tough i would teach him the things i learned while growing up, Respect,Loyalty,Kindness, and honor. We would then travel the world in search of those we deem worthy to battle,often helping others in need when we can as often as we can no matter what. I would instill deep pride in my Gengar as he does for me,we would forever wonder the earth untill my passing day when i can finally join my Gengar in his shadow realm forever watching over my own son, guiding him in the path i took so long ago forever continuing my family's legacy as the legendary ghost trainers.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 11:19:32 PM by Saleboi0708 »

Allow my shadowballs to show you true darkness at it's core, for when all that remains is a soul covered in black blood, only then will you know the true origin of my eternal nightmare....

Offline TheChosenOne

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2010, 03:40:00 AM »
I think that I would only keep a few Pokemon. I would train with them for a while and then once I thought they were strong enough, I would travel. I would probably keep my first or favorite Pokemon out of the ball and have it walk alongside me. I would try and befriend my Pokemon also. I would help anyone in need while trying to defeat some gyms. I would try and get a Pikachu, a flying type, and a couple others.

Offline SpaceDuck420

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2010, 04:38:43 AM »
Me and probably two of my friends would set out and find our perfect teams, traveling all over the world for pokemon is a must. Wen would always be training together so are pokemon could know each others strengths. Developing good team battle techniques we'd challenge anyone along the way. We'd go to gyms and get our badges, then come back home, open a gym and chill on that till i have a son to help on his pokemon quest.

Offline Minsi

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2010, 06:16:10 AM »
If I were a trainer, I'd try my best to catch all the pokemon in my trainer card on my signature. I'd focus mainly on battling rather than contests, and would try to teach my pokemon moves that other trainers would not suspect that pokemon to have. Any other pokemon that I captured but rarely used would stay with my friends or family. And I'm sure I'd have to rescue my friend Jerry all the time... He tends to not know what he's doing when he battles, heh.

Offline obi

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2010, 07:10:36 AM »
I'd start the world's first Poke-prostitution ring.  :o


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Offline chocobo

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2010, 06:03:52 AM »
I'd start the world's first Poke-prostitution ring.  :o
Hahah. Would you sell their time to other pokemon, or can the trainers indulge too....??? 8)
I think I'd be a world traveler. I'd set my goals to visit all the continents of the universe to catch as many pokemon as possible in hopes of one day settling down as a pokemon professor. To travel the world, all the regions, catch all the types of pokemon, and teach others all about it would be a very satisfying life.

If I didn't take that route (haha), I'd most definitely make pokementaries (pokemon documentaries). Again, still getting to travel, train, battle, and so on, but filming the whole thing.

Offline Jerry

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2010, 06:40:23 AM »
Quote from: Minsi

And I'm sure I'd have to rescue my friend Jerry all the time... He tends to not know what he's doing when he battles, heh.

It's true that I don't quite know what happens when I battle, but I will be able manage :-[!

What about we make a battle sometime ;D
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline obi

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2010, 07:52:51 AM »
I'd start the world's first Poke-prostitution ring.  :o
Hahah. Would you sell their time to other pokemon, or can the trainers indulge too....??? 8)

You would ask that.  :D

My ring would be for Pokemon only. Trainers could bring their Pokemon there if they wanted to breed or crossbreed them, or if they were just in heat and felt bad for the little guys. And it would be a classy establishment, thank you very much. Nothing but frilly pillows and satin sheets and huge French double doors leading into every room.


You've only got one mind. Lose it wisely.

Offline chocobo

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2010, 08:31:56 AM »
I'd start the world's first Poke-prostitution ring.  :o
Hahah. Would you sell their time to other pokemon, or can the trainers indulge too....??? 8)

You would ask that.  :D

My ring would be for Pokemon only. Trainers could bring their Pokemon there if they wanted to breed or crossbreed them, or if they were just in heat and felt bad for the little guys. And it would be a classy establishment, thank you very much. Nothing but frilly pillows and satin sheets and huge French double doors leading into every room.

One of these days Jynx, they'll understand our love. We'll be able to live our lives happily.

Offline obi

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Re: If you were a trainer in the anime...
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2010, 08:41:41 AM »
I'd start the world's first Poke-prostitution ring.  :o
Hahah. Would you sell their time to other pokemon, or can the trainers indulge too....??? 8)

You would ask that.  :D

My ring would be for Pokemon only. Trainers could bring their Pokemon there if they wanted to breed or crossbreed them, or if they were just in heat and felt bad for the little guys. And it would be a classy establishment, thank you very much. Nothing but frilly pillows and satin sheets and huge French double doors leading into every room.

One of these days Jynx, they'll understand our love. We'll be able to live our lives happily.

Oh baby! Jynx was hot.


You've only got one mind. Lose it wisely.