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Author Topic: Feeding and Happiness  (Read 6961 times)

Offline Red_Cruzader

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Feeding and Happiness
« on: May 04, 2010, 10:43:27 AM »
So I was thinking, what id you had to feed your pokemon and it would make them like/dislike you and would enhance/hinder the pokemon in battle. Such as if it did not like you to a high degree it will not listen to you to a percentage. Also maybe it could affect it's growth when it levels? Just my 2 cents, what do you guys think?


Offline Gammal

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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2010, 12:50:01 PM »
Things like that can be "fun" for some people, but it shouldn't be something you have to do in order to get the best Pokemon in your team.

Players need to be able to chose what to do, not being forced in order to compete.
The impact on PvP is to great, rethink you idea to make it work.
Think about how it effects pvp AND pve before posting.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 12:53:14 PM by Gammal »

Offline harb

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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2010, 01:11:55 PM »
I agree with Gammel, if you have to be constantly baby sitting your pokemon the game is not going to be fun, it will turn into a chore and no one will want to play. This idea makes it sound like the old Digimon keychains, I personally think this kind of thing will never work in a game like this, but maybe if you can come up with a way to keep it from becoming a chore. Maybe stockpile food for you pokemon or something and depending on what food they are eating gives them certain stat bonuses or something. Still don't really like the idea much sorry.

Offline ghostman50

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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2010, 05:42:02 PM »

Im no fan of happiness or feeding pokemon either, but (just playing devils advocate here) something like this would increase the depth of the game.

It wont just be:

Walk, battle, catch, walk, battle, catch, chat, breed, battle, walk, walk, walk, catch, battle, battle, battle, walk, chat, chat, battle, battle, walk, battle, walk, battle, walk, chat, battle, battle, walk, walk, walk, battle, breed, walk, walk, breed, battle, battle, chat, walk, battle, battle, walk, walk, battle, breed, walk, walk, battle, heal, buy items, walk, battle, catch, etc

As been posted earlier (in another thread),  pokemon obedience will be subject to gym badges and player levels but something like feeding/happiness could be a way to keep players honest as well.

In the past month or so, ive seen games (MMOs) ruined because of hacks (speed, 1hko, unlimited life, etc) and the punks that use them, mainly because the game's predictability.  Adding something, different, like this would be can be viewed as somewhat of a chore and money (goldz) squandering but it keeps its players somewhat honest. Adding an unpredictable feature like a poke's hunger/happiness would, imo, benefit the game greatly.

The random feeding times; the ocassional check on one's pokemon happiness doesnt seem all too much like a chore (literally, just a few clicks and voila) I do not agree with the idea of it boosting stats (thus not affecting PvP nor PvE as much). I see happiness/feeding as being a feature that deters dishonesty.

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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2010, 07:02:26 PM »
The way I see it, it would be like using a Hunter in WoW. To keep your pet happy and obediant, you need to feed them. This keeps their happiness up. Their happiness can drop from fainting / dying in battle. I could see a feature like this being implemented.

However, I don't I wouldn't enjoy it too much. What happens when you can't sign on for a few days? It would have to be real time while playing, otherwise AFK players that have things to do IRL would come back to find their Pokemon hating them and rarely listening. Not only that, but you would need some way to monitor this. I think if it was put into PU, I would only want it for aesthetic reasoning. Meaning, it has no effect whatsoever other that, say, your Pokemon's happiness and other non PvE or PvP related instances.
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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2010, 07:20:02 PM »
Here's a wild thought, how about instead of affecting pokemon's stats, feeding/grooming or whatever benefits your stats. For instance if there is a breeding skill then this would give you breeding xp, or something similar.

Offline Red_Cruzader

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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2010, 08:01:01 PM »
I just wanted to add more depth to the game. Since I have played WOW for 3 years and a Hunter half of that time. Feeding the pet when I was a hunter was not a chore really. It just made it seem that the pet was more of a pet instead of a mindless thing following me that never went to the bathroom when I was logged on.   ;D

What I wanted was not much of a boost in "A" stat, not all.

Okay maybe the Feeding thing doesn't seem like an all too good of an idea, but the happiness rating would add more to it than walking around and just having your pokemon battle others. This is an MMORPG, it's suppose to have more depth and more of a customization. I just thought that if trainers treated their pokemon differently, it would add more variety from pokemon to pokemon. I don't know about the stats calculator, but in the GB game the stats of the same pokemon of the same level had very very similar stats.


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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2010, 08:27:30 AM »
Quote from: Red_Cruzader
I don't know about the stats calculator, but in the GB game the stats of the same pokemon of the same level had very very similar stats.

Yes, true if you have recently caught two wild pokemon at the same level, but at a low level. If you compared two high level (Lv 45~70) pokemons, you'll see that there can be up to 30 points of difference in a particular stat.

Then, if you compare a trained pokemon with the same wild pokemon, the stats will differ much.

They are due to the difference in IV, EV and nature of the pokemons, three variables in the GB games. If you put them in the extreme, there can be major differences in stats.

So... feeding or grooming to enhance the stat of a pokemon... no. Perhaps your own trainer stat as breeder, but I don't think that happiness should affect a battle (perhaps only for the moves return and frustration), but rather in minigames, or side quests, or something like that, since contests are not yet confirmed.
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Offline harb

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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2010, 10:03:39 AM »
Sorry I failed to comment completely on your idea. The happiness part of your idea I could definitely see working, however I don't think it should have a huge impact on the gameplay.

Perhaps it could be more like an achievement, not directly affecting your pokemon in battle but a stat that could be used in quests or in contests. Then I could see feeding working as well, if it's anything like pokeblocks or poffins.

If there is some sort of alignment (good vs. evil) it could be used for that as well. A good trainer keeps his pokemon happy and encourages them, an evil trainer abuses and berates them when they preform poorly, this could also be used in quests as well (team rocket quests need an evil alignment?).

Frankly though it all sounds too complicated to me =p I like the K.I.S.S method of thinking. It's not a bad idea though, I just immediately thought of the Digimon keychains or tamagotchis when i saw this idea, and looking after those things always felt like a chore to me =p

Offline Red_Cruzader

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Re: Feeding and Happiness
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2010, 06:23:59 PM »
No, no. Like I said before it shouldnt effect gameplay too much. The idea would then be broken, but it should make sure you actually INTERACT with your pokemon. It should feel like your pokemon is a pet and a friend instead of a tool you drag along.