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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 133972 times)

Offline Jerry

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #180 on: June 10, 2010, 09:10:17 PM »
"Shroom... shroom... shroom"

- Do you hear that Mudkip? Sounds like a pokemon is coming this way...

A Shroomish just then appeared from behind a tree and without noticing Jerry or Mudkip was joyfully hopping to the little stream. It bent over drank some water. Suddenly, a Goldeen leapt out of the water and threw the Shroomish against a tree. The injured Shroomish lay motionless...

- Oh no! Seems like this Shroomish is badly injured, we'll take it to the nearest pokemon center. Wait, the nearest one is at the exit of this forest, Rustboro... I fear we'll have to take care of it until we reach Rustboro.


- Watch out Mudkip, this Goldeen is attacking again with its Furry attack! Use Mud Slap, quick!

Mudkip, now faster, blinded Goldeen. The confused Goldeen tried fell on the ground and tried to go back in the water.

- Mudkip, use tackle!

Mudkip knocked the Goldeen back into the stream, proud of its fighting abilities. Jerry took the injured Shroomish, use a potion on it, and placed an improvised bandaid made of leaves on its wounds as Shroomish seemed
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #181 on: June 10, 2010, 09:13:44 PM »
"Yes, i guess you're right Tsubaki" Amphy popped his head out of the water to see Tsubaki smiling at him Amphy stared for a second at her then started watching Shenzi, Angel, and Camiella(correct my spelling please) play together.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 09:22:48 PM by Amphy »
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #182 on: June 10, 2010, 09:20:29 PM »

Tsubaki laid back relaxing, she sighed and closed her eyes, Ralts still in her arms, she was moving around, trying to sleep by the looks of it, she would have drowned if Tsubaki wasn't holding her up, Tsubaki laid her head back against the smooth edge of the spring, "Its so... Relaxing.... She said, calmly.
((One M... :3))

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #183 on: June 10, 2010, 09:21:25 PM »

'Diedrich right? We're being paired up. I'm Deccers'Deccers' eyes scanned the boy up and down.
'You were crying yesterday right? what was that all about?'
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 09:24:28 PM by Declan_23 »

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #184 on: June 10, 2010, 09:26:08 PM »

"Crying? No! Any member worthy of Team Rocket would not cry over some gir-err, you must have seen someone else..  Anyway, did they tell you why we were being paired up?"
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 09:29:48 PM by Mr Pokemon »

Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #185 on: June 10, 2010, 09:27:38 PM »
Amphy stared at the pokemon as the continued playing and relaxed himself. "I wonder if Kino will ever wake up?"  Amphy yawned, "I knew i should have stayed asleep, oh well i wanted to sit in the warm water," Amphy smiled  Angel swam over to Amphy and got out of the water and went and shook off all the excess water on Amphy, "Ugh Angel, why'd you do that?" Amphy asked slightly disturbed,  as Eevee gave a blank look at Amphy
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #186 on: June 10, 2010, 09:32:34 PM »

'Its a secret mission dude. Information is on a need to know basis'Deccers looked at Diedrich's clothes. He was in full Team Rocket uniform
'Have you got anything to cover that, t-shirt? It doesn't exactly pay to advertise in our line of business'

Offline Jerry

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #187 on: June 10, 2010, 09:33:32 PM »
After a while, the Shroomish woke up in a jump. It was still in a state of panic and ran behind a bush. It then peeked us from there.

- Don't be afraid of me, little Shroomish, I will take care of you. You are not strong enough to stay here. Here, have those berries I just picked for you. Mudkip, you can have some too!

Seeing how Mudkip seemed happy and eating the berries, Shroomish walked slowly away from the bush and sniffed at the berry. It eyed Jerry and Mudkip suspisciously, then decided to take a bite. It was happy after eating one berry and took more berries.

"There, that's right!"

When Shroomish was fully healed, Jerry said goodbye to Shroomish, and went towards Rustboro. Shroomish watched at Jerry and Mudkip going away, not understanding what just happened.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #188 on: June 10, 2010, 09:35:04 PM »

Tsubaki felt some of the water splash her head, and arm, she turned to see it was the Eevee that was running across her arm, and the Camellia swam over, she tried to hop over the edge but kept falling back, to help Tsubaki stretched an arm, from over the edge into the water, Eevee was able to run up, and then she lied down on Tsubaki's shoulder from the edge, her fur was still wet. Tsubaki moved her arm back, she continually had problems with the towel, "Maybe I should have gotten one thats a little bigger..." She said, moving the towel back to cover her.
((Dang! Everytime you say Angel it feels like your talking to me... x3!!))
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Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #189 on: June 10, 2010, 09:37:38 PM »
((i think you just called your character fat :P))

"Would you like me to get you a bigger towel Tsubaki? If you stay and watch all the pokemon I'll go grab one for you."
Amphy grinned at the thought of being useful to someone for once in his life.
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Offline YouHearThat

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #190 on: June 10, 2010, 09:39:56 PM »

Kino wakes up from his long sleep, only to notice that everyone is gone expect Argo and him. "So I guess they ditched me" Kino said sleepy, "Hey Argo wake let's go to that hot spring Tsubaki talked about yesterday." Argo wakes up besides Kino, still tired like Kino. Both Kino and Argo gets up and makes their way to the boys locker room. Kino takes off his clothes and picks up his towel. Both Kino and Argo made their way to the springs running, then jumped into the spring causing everyone there to get splash with water. "Oh hi guys" Kino said laughing, "sorry about that, are you guys ok?"
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 09:44:43 PM by YouHearThat »
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Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #191 on: June 10, 2010, 09:42:14 PM »

Diedrich searched through his bag and found a black sweater, "Yeah, I've got something" he said to Deccers. After he pulled it on, he asked, "Any idea where we're going?"

Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #192 on: June 10, 2010, 09:44:47 PM »
"um... Kino, im wetter than i was before now, why would you do that" Amphy punches kino on the shoulder lightly, Amphy is still waiting on Tsubaki's response
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #193 on: June 10, 2010, 09:46:40 PM »

((She's not fat!! She's just... Big is some areas... The good ones... C:<!))
Tsubaki tried to cover her face when Kino jumped in,
"Well good morning...! She yelled out, She turned to Amphi, but kindly denied his offer, "No, don't get up, its okay, I wouldn't want to bother you, besides, how would you be able to get in the GIRLS room..? She laughed, emphasizing the word 'girls'.
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #194 on: June 10, 2010, 09:50:39 PM »

'Good, we're going to the next town.' Deccers said as he wondered how much longer he could keep making stuff up.
'Now here's the deal. I'm not here to make friends, but you watch my back and I'll watch yours ok?'Deccers set off down the path in the direction of the town. He vaguely remembered that this was where the kids from yesterday had been headed as well.