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Author Topic: [RP] .Hack//Reboot  (Read 4285 times)

Offline LeoReborn

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[RP] .Hack//Reboot
« on: May 26, 2011, 03:54:59 AM »
So, This RP is based in the .hack// Universe on the rise of "The World," Revison:2

The World is a Virtual Reality MMO, that connects your heart and mind to the game. It can do such a task because of the advanced programming.
The World R:2 has been terrorized by PKs and a form of data bug called "AIDA"
You will start on Delta Server, Mac Anu, as a "noob" with a default set of gear.
You will given a choice to become a PKK, or sort out the PKs with peaceful means, as well as solving AIDA's mystery.
Or you can be a Player-Killer... but whatever...

You can pick from several classes which can be found at the dothack.wikia, along with a list of weapons and skills, and background information.


And yes, there are guilds.

To go into detail about PKs, PM the person PKing you/being Pked. Decide whether the victim will fight back, and who will win. The losing character "dies", then spawns in the nearest town.

PKs can only occur in dungeons, not in towns.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 02:35:02 PM by LeoReborn »
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline Jerry

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Re: [Pending] .Hack//Reboot
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 07:23:45 PM »

Already starting another? ???

Okay, locking the other one, approving this one...
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] .Hack//Reboot
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 02:16:10 PM »
Yeah, SoD RP Died before it began... =/

Regardless, .hack// RP is open.
Creating a OOCC/Profile thread now.
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.