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Author Topic: Pokedex Entries  (Read 9025 times)

Offline Tickles

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Pokedex Entries
« on: February 17, 2014, 08:03:23 PM »
Hello Pokemon Universe. Today, I would like to introduce a new way to contribute. You guys get the honor of submitting pokedex entries for the game. I'm not talking about the two sentence pokedex entries, I mean semi-detailed, scientific pokedex entries. If you are good at biology, then you will excell at this. All you need to do is follow this simple structure:

Code: [Select]
Pokemon #, Name, Species (For example, Pikachu is called "The Mouse pokemon"

Intro: A short explanation on the pokemon, describing its features and what kind of animal it is. (Mammal, Reptile, Amphibian, Geo___ {Made out of stone or metal materials. For example Rhydon is Georeptillian}, insect, arachnid, etc.)

Diet: What this pokemon eats. You can find that on bulbapedia

Habitat: Where they live and why. Do your research guys.

Biology: This is where you explain why the pokemon does what it does. This is the longer part of your entry

Pokemon League Commission notes: Give this pokemon a classification under the PLC guidelines

Class A- Legendary pokemon fit under here. Given the tags do not catch

Class B- Rare pokemon fit under here. They are catchable, but in limited quantities

Class C- Semi Rare. Reserved for starters, but still catchable

Class D- Common Pokemon. No strict catching guidelines.

Class F- Uncommon. Only obtainable through special means, such as trades, stones, etc.

Here is an example:

#001 Bulbasaur (The Seed Pokemon)

Intro: Bulbasaur are classified as reptilian quadrupeds with a large pod on its back. This pod has been purposely planted on its back by the father Venusaur as a natural family crest, and contains seeds of its own (use of the move leech seed supports this claim.)

Diet: Bulbasaur need only direct sunlight and water for photosynthesis, but they have been known to eat berries mainly for their natural healing properties, as well as changing it into a compost like substance to help sustain the bulb.

Habitat: Bulbasaur live in grasslands and forests with substantial sunlight. These areas meet every one of their dietary needs as well as provide proper camouflage from predators, such as Pidgey and its evolutions. Pokemon and people alike can have a hard time locating a bulbasaur against a bush.

Biology: Bulbasaur are a combination of grass and poison types. They can use a variety of close combat attacks, like tackle and body slam, as well as ranged attacks shot out from the bulb, like leech seed and sludge. The bulb on the back seems to be its primary form of defense, and can fire any of its attacks with great accuracy. They usually hunch down on their forelegs and extend their longer hind legs to assault predators and opponents directly in front of them.

This pokemon is covered in  scales on the animal parts of the body, and can even regrow lost or damaged limbs. These are evolutionary features more commonly found in other reptilian pokemon, though its cat like appearance often has it mistaken for a mammal.

Inside the abdominal area is a special sac where a stomach should be that turns berries into compost and mulch. This seems to help with the bulbs growth along with photosynthesis. This sac, known as the disposal sac, may also be source of its poison typing as it is filled with rotted berries of varying properties.

Pokemon League Commission notes-

Due to this pokemons rarity, this pokemon has been categorize as a Class C Pokemon under the Endangered Pokemon Act. Under this classification, this pokemon is to be distributed to new trainers as a potential starting pokemon for its ease in care and high breeding capabilities. Any Bulbasaurs found in the wild are allowed to be caught, but in limited quantities. The hunting of this pokemon is strictly prohibited and punishable by a 100,000 goldz fine and 10 - 15 years imprisonment.

Starters are off limits. I will be working on those personally, but the rest are up for grabs. As always follow these rules:

1. You must post this as a new topic with the title "[Pokedex Entry] Pokemon Name"

2. Once a pokedex entry is selected, you can't submit anything on that pokemon. There will be a list of pokemon on this thread with the links to the entry.

3. Your entries must be thought out and sound scientific. You may make up terms (such as the disposal sac for bulbasaur).

4. Of course, starters and their evolutions are off limits. I am working on those myself, and might even write a few more after that.

I wish you all luck on this task. There are 700+ pokemon to make entries for, and this is not a job anyone can do alone.

Topic is locked to prevent posting here. You must make an entry a new post.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 08:47:30 PM by Xetroc »
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Offline Tickles

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Re: Pokedex Entries
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 07:22:19 PM »
I have updated the list and placed it in one easy to read document. To find your entry, use the Find function (Ctrl+F), then type the name of the pokemon in the search bar.

Pokedex Entries
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 05:26:33 PM by Xetroc »
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Tickles

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Re: Pokedex Entries
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2014, 07:32:58 PM »
After looking through all of the entries, I have finally got through them, made edits where due, and made a revised list. Enjoy everyone.

For those that are wondering, if I made comment on your entry, that means I want to see you improve on it, and know you have the capability. If I didn't comment, and your entry if most likely on the list.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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Re: Pokedex Entries
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 08:37:50 PM »
It seems that you've got some work to do on the Pokedex Entries Xetroc :)

No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline Tickles

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Re: Pokedex Entries
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2014, 10:25:41 PM »
It seems that you've got some work to do on the Pokedex Entries Xetroc :)


I know. :P School and stuff happened.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword