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Author Topic: Please stop freaking out.  (Read 12793 times)

Offline vengeful

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Please stop freaking out.
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:39:36 AM »
Alright Im kinda tired of this in every forum i have ever been to. "your topic was already explained in another thread, you should learn to find that one before you make a new one." Alright i get there is another thread with a SIMILIAR topic. that does not make it the same. And yelling at people about not posting there if its locked doesnt help any of us, it just makes everyone mad. I myself wanted to freak out the other day when I post in a thread that ordains to my topic instead of incurring the repeated saying of "the whatever has already been discussed in another thread you should have found it instead of making a new one" no no no no revive most old threads get yelled at. make a new one, get yelled at. try to be helpful... get yelled at. Im sorry, I have anger issues already. You adding to them about every little thing does not help. So all I ask, very simple actually, is that you be a little more understanding that maybe we didnt find the thread we should have posted in, or if we did it was old. So please, give us a little slack, i mean i love the community and the people, but the yelling gets old, and it tires me out. so please just a little understanding, thats it.

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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2011, 04:07:30 AM »
Ummm, what?

First of all, we only freak out at people who revive dead threads and then add nothing to them.  If you actually have something to say there is nothing wrong commenting on an old thread.  But, most of the people on this site revive dead threads, just to add a rousing.  "Well, I agree" and "That's an interesting idea, I like it." 

As far as freaking out, I agree some forum members get a little overboard.  But, then again if your asked to stop something and don't.  People can get a bit upset at you.

Say, I poked you in the neck.  It's annoying but it wouldn't warrant much of a response past, "Hey, mind stopping that?"  Now imagine, I take tac and poke you the neck again.  Your response will probably change from somewhat annoyed to freaking pissed.

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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2011, 04:34:13 AM »
I have anger issues already.
90% of men do.
OT: Instead of reviving them, read what's already posted. You might find answers.

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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2011, 04:36:19 AM »
Ummm, what?

First of all, we only freak out at people who revive dead threads and then add nothing to them.  If you actually have something to say there is nothing wrong commenting on an old thread.  But, most of the people on this site revive dead threads, just to add a rousing.  "Well, I agree" and "That's an interesting idea, I like it." 

As far as freaking out, I agree some forum members get a little overboard.  But, then again if your asked to stop something and don't.  People can get a bit upset at you.

Say, I poked you in the neck.  It's annoying but it wouldn't warrant much of a response past, "Hey, mind stopping that?"  Now imagine, I take tac and poke you the neck again.  Your response will probably change from somewhat annoyed to freaking pissed.

you have 420 post, ok now on topic please explain what it is that you posted because if it something like favorite 5 gen Pokemon then that should be lock because there should only be a favorite Pokemon thread no need to make it specific and flooding the forum with useless threads but if it was a question then use the search feature and check if it has already been answered. Now for necro posting i agree that people freak about that because iv'e seen people necro post but they are posting something that is relevant yet people frown on that which they shouldn't since this is a small community and threads die very fast.

Its ironic how you are freaking out right now LOL
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 04:56:16 AM by Ez »
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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2011, 05:52:50 AM »
I believe the thread that is being referred to also had Jerry give like, 7 threads that were similar if not exactly the damn same.

Thats not just one locked thread, thats one locked thread and 7 threads of the same idea wasting time and space.
Noone cares if your idea is exactly the same or not.
Here's an example:

"Don't make the same thread multiple times."

Bullpoop you do. Just elaborate in the million other threads of copy pasted ideas.
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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2011, 11:57:38 AM »
Let's get it right:

1. Reviving old threads without adding something significant and reading the previous posts is a bad idea. This takes ups space and the same things will be discussed again and again without being actually productive. Thus, this would no more be an idea, nor a suggestion.

2. Not all the thread titles match the content of the thread. For example, there have been many 'Suggestion for the game', 'Ideas for the game', "I have a good suggestion!", etc sort of thread titles and it does get confusing which thread holds which discussion. This is where the search bar comes in handy. It looks at and through a thread. The only problem is that it uses regexp, which finds exact words (that was my observation from trying it with different words). That is why using the search bar is something that is encouraged before a new thread is started.

3. If you are unsure, you can still hit the IRC and ask about it. Sometimes, ideas are downright unpractical, sometimes they are too far fetched and will not be implemented or looked into more until the core of the game is completed, sometimes already stated but in another way in an old thread and so on.

Of course a newbie wouldn't know everything which is going on the forum when (s)he joins. That is why reading a thread and using the search bar before posting is something which avoids the unnecessary or repetitive questions. Unfortunately, nearly nobody seems to be doing that, considering the huge amount of threads lately which could be deleted right away when they were opened.

See these posts: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2729.msg77216.html#msg77216
Kamaran already mentioned indirectly that HM might not be implemented. Why then discuss about the tree since it poses a problem? If HMs are implemented, then that is the obvious solution, and the developers will have to code that bit.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 12:00:26 PM by Jerry »
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2011, 12:08:18 PM »
Who was even yelling?

Do we yell here?
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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2011, 02:19:52 PM »
Alright Im kinda tired of this in every forum i have ever been to. "your topic was already explained in another thread, you should learn to find that one before you make a new one." Alright i get there is another thread with a SIMILIAR topic. that does not make it the same. And yelling at people about not posting there if its locked doesnt help any of us, it just makes everyone mad. I myself wanted to freak out the other day when I post in a thread that ordains to my topic instead of incurring the repeated saying of "the whatever has already been discussed in another thread you should have found it instead of making a new one" no no no no revive most old threads get yelled at. make a new one, get yelled at. try to be helpful... get yelled at. Im sorry, I have anger issues already. You adding to them about every little thing does not help. So all I ask, very simple actually, is that you be a little more understanding that maybe we didnt find the thread we should have posted in, or if we did it was old. So please, give us a little slack, i mean i love the community and the people, but the yelling gets old, and it tires me out. so please just a little understanding, thats it.

Nobody did yell at you (at all), they are just getting bored of always having to say the same stuff over and over again. That's why they redirect you to the other existing topic and ask you to use the search bar the next time. Jerry and Bing explainded it better than I would, so you might read their comments with care. They are only trying to help.

Ummm, what?

First of all, we only freak out at people who revive dead threads and then add nothing to them.  If you actually have something to say there is nothing wrong commenting on an old thread.  But, most of the people on this site revive dead threads, just to add a rousing.  "Well, I agree" and "That's an interesting idea, I like it." 

As far as freaking out, I agree some forum members get a little overboard.  But, then again if your asked to stop something and don't.  People can get a bit upset at you.

Say, I poked you in the neck.  It's annoying but it wouldn't warrant much of a response past, "Hey, mind stopping that?"  Now imagine, I take tac and poke you the neck again.  Your response will probably change from somewhat annoyed to freaking pissed.

you have 420 post, ok now on topic please explain what it is that you posted because if it something like favorite 5 gen Pokemon then that should be lock because there should only be a favorite Pokemon thread no need to make it specific and flooding the forum with useless threads but if it was a question then use the search feature and check if it has already been answered. Now for necro posting i agree that people freak about that because iv'e seen people necro post but they are posting something that is relevant yet people frown on that which they shouldn't since this is a small community and threads die very fast.

Its ironic how you are freaking out right now LOL

Bing never spammed any of those threads, he's an active member for quite some time and posts like this, his balance threads and his guild posts stack up to 420 (which you have too).
We have a small active community indeed (unlike the 56452 members!!!), but threads with potential are always  discussed extensively.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2011, 03:42:36 PM »
Freaking out? The hell.

Example A:
"Hey guys, what if there were a way to ride pokemon? Like, a rapidash or something. They would go faster than a bike, but they would get tired eventually."
"That's already been discussed, sir. Please try to use the search bar in the future."

Okay. Fair enough. We only mentioned the idea once, in a thread originally about being able to ride scooters or skateboards. So we politely explain this, as well as request that OP use the search bar in the future.

Example B:
"Hey guys what if we could have houses I think that would be cool."
"Houses and apartments are confirmed, many times over. PLEASE, use the search bar in the future to avoid causing a flood of threads about the same thing."

Houses. We've talked about these several times, though not quite as many times as Legendaries. They should have known better, but it's semi-understandable that they didn't.

Example C:
"HEY GAIZ CAN I HEV A MOTWO PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ??  :-\ ::) ??? :o :( >:( :) :D ;D ;) ;) ;)"
"Dude. Are you f***ing retarded?"

No. Just NO. Not only are there a thousand threads about it already, but one of them is even stickied on the frontpage of the Ideas and Suggestions board, titled "About legendary pokemon in-game". There is NO excuse at having missed this.

This is a guide to the how's and why's of reactions to pointless threads on PU. Cry sum moar.

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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2011, 09:08:24 PM »

Bing never spammed any of those threads, he's an active member for quite some time and posts like this, his balance threads and his guild posts stack up to 420 (which you have too).
We have a small active community indeed (unlike the 56452 members!!!), but threads with potential are always  discussed extensively.

Ponge please don't criticize my post if you have no idea what i'm talking about! 420 is a reference to national weed day .. Bob Marley, i mean even my little cousin knows that lol

@ FrenchFry ........................................... LOL well said
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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2011, 09:27:38 PM »

Bing never spammed any of those threads, he's an active member for quite some time and posts like this, his balance threads and his guild posts stack up to 420 (which you have too).
We have a small active community indeed (unlike the 56452 members!!!), but threads with potential are always  discussed extensively.

Ponge please don't criticize my post if you have no idea what i'm talking about! 420 is a reference to national weed day .. Bob Marley, i mean even my little cousin knows that lol

@ FrenchFry ........................................... LOL well said

Don't worry Ez, I got it.  I think ponge just missed the meaning lol.  I think ponge must have interpreted what you said as "Your count is 420, you spam a lot."  It's just a stupid misunderstanding.


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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2011, 09:32:04 PM »
Bing got it right about my post. And national weed day... I never heard of that before, LOL.

And I totally agree with you on Frenchfry's post. It explaines alot for new members actually.

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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2011, 04:05:49 AM »
I have to agree with vengeful. It seems as though you over react to two threads that are some what the same. It is insane. There are alot of people here, theirfor, consistancy is bound to occur in the forums. Although it is clear we don't want to see the same thing, you don't need to tell us. And if you want to stop the thread from going on, just don't post on it. It will go away within a day. And another thing, HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THE THREAD'S IDEA HAS BEEN POSTED BEFORE? IT IS NOT LIKE WE LOOK THROUGH EVERY SINGLE THREAD IN THE FORUM!
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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2011, 04:13:37 AM »
I have to agree with vengeful. It seems as though you over react to two threads that are some what the same. It is insane. There are alot of people here, theirfor, consistancy is bound to occur in the forums. Although it is clear we don't want to see the same thing, you don't need to tell us. And if you want to stop the thread from going on, just don't post on it. It will go away within a day. And another thing, HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THE THREAD'S IDEA HAS BEEN POSTED BEFORE? IT IS NOT LIKE WE LOOK THROUGH EVERY SINGLE THREAD IN THE FORUM!

Calm down man.  But wouldn't it make sense to search for the topic first. 

Imagine you rush into the meeting late blurting out all of these ideas as you walk in.  How would your co-workers react?  You would look like a moron.  But if you walked in quietly and asked someone what had happened, you would look much better.  Imagine the search bar is the person your asking...
 It just makes sense if you think about it.  If you can't handle a mature solution like this then may the PU have mercy on your online IP address.

Edit: If you are a new member reading this please feel free to log on to Irc and ask any questions you may have.  That is a useful tool as well.

And finally it's just annoying to see a multitude of new threads all dedicated to the same dam things appear over and over again.  Having a crap-ton of threads also makes the search tool harder to use, making it even harder for the new members to find old threads.  So please for the love of something stop making pointless threads.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 04:17:24 AM by Bing »

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Re: Please stop freaking out.
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2011, 05:02:40 AM »
Oh, by the way.
So please, give us a little slack, i mean i love the community and the people, but the yelling gets old, and it tires me out.
You registered your account August twenty-seventh. It is now September first. We tired you out in five days? Gee, I've been here a year and a half and I'm still fine.